


ZSI sees its role as supporting strategic cooperation between the two continents of Africa and the European Union through research and social innovation. It is firmly based in the policy background (see for example Taking advantage from its global interconnectivity and particular expertise in the field of social innovation and international RTDI cooperation, ZSI provides competence to contribute to EU-Africa partnership projects.

During the 7th EU Framework Programme, ZSI was a partner in the CAAST-Net Plus project, which allowed to establish partnerships with stakeholders across the continent. Furthermore, cooperation with South Africa was strengthened in the BILAT project ESASTAP 2020 (until 2019). Cooperation is being continued in the frame of the International Service Facility (Horizon 2020) and the LEAP-RE programme, the Long-Term Joint EU-African Union Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy (until 2025). We are also happy to partner with African organisations in projects such as STEP-CHANGE, implementing citizen science initiatives together with our partners in Uganda or discussing in UNTANGLED with our partners in South Africa the impacts of technological transformations, globalisation and demographic change on employment, inequality and work. Further work also addresses digital innovation hubs and maker spaces in Africa.

Ansprechperson: M.A. Gorazd A. Weiss

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