Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung


PHOtovoltaic waste management – advanced Technologies for recOvery & recycling of secondary RAw MAterials from end-of-life modules

PHOTORAMA develops new ecosystems of innovation leading to successful and competitive solutions to launch sustainable markets for secondary Rare Metals in Europe.

The overall concept of PHOTORAMA is to develop and demonstrate new ecosystems of innovation leading to successful and competitive solutions to launch sustainable markets for secondary Rare Metals in Europe (RM). This H2020 project aims to contribute to a clean generation of solar energy by providing innovative solutions to the waste problem generated by the growth in use of photovoltaic (PV) panels and by ensuring the availability of RM through recycling. While strong efforts have been invested for the manufacturing stage to reduce environmental impacts, the End-of-Life (EoL) of PV devices remains a major challenge that PHOTORAMA will tackle with smart and efficient solutions.

The PV value chain is at the heart of PHOTORAMA to secure both clean and efficient energy and sustainable access to RM (Rare Metals) in Europe. We foresee a circular industry that will bridge and connect sectors from collection to production of secondary RM. The global and systemic vision takes on their reintroduction to RM industries as new materials or new products by bringing together cross-sectoral value chains.

For this purpose, PHOTORAMA sets up a full management-Pilot Line including all needed interrelated successive steps: auto disassembly, smart separation and innovative recovery of metals from solar cells (Si, Ag, In, Ga). To close the loop, all fractions of PV EoL components are either directly recovered as energy fuel, re-used or recycled as RM feedstock to build new PV panels or other new products. The core strategy is to draw up a global recycling scheme considering carefully economic, environmental and social (awareness) dimensions.

ZSI is part of several work packages, and conducts its work in particular in  work packages 5 and 6.

In work package 5 “Techno-economical, environmental and social assessments”, ZSI is responsible for the implementation of a survey which aims to assess the knowledge among stakeholders about current modes of recycling of PV panels, recovery of RM, on environmental concerns with RM recovery. The ZSI team also organises two co-creation workshops that have the purpose to generate inputs for the technical solutions, to raise awareness and build trust among key stakeholders.

The ZSI team is also in charge under work package 6 “Social awareness, dissemination and clustering” of developing the project identity via the creation of the project logo, setting up and taking care of the website and of social media accounts. Furthermore, under this work package ZSI will conduct a broad awareness raising campaign using various channels (e.g. e-flyer, conferences, blog) to inform stakeholders and the wider public of PHOTORAMA`s progress, and the project’s benefits for RM recovery and recycling, and for the PV sector overall. Acceptance & Trust building measures for the Photorama project and its technologies are another key activity, and include e.g. regional workshops for stakeholders, lab and company visits.


Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung


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Tags: circular economy, climate change, energy, energy transition, solar energy

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Typ: Forschung

Programm: H2020

Projekt Status: In Durchführung

Von/Bis: 05/2021 - 04/2025

Laufzeit: 48 Monate


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