M.A. Gorazd A. Weiss
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Funktionen am ZSI: Head of Unit/ Board of Management Member/ Senior RTDI Expert, Trainer
- Phone: ++43-1-495 04 42 / +43 (0) 14950442-39
- Fax: ++43-1-495 04 42 / 40
- Email: weiss@zsi.at
- PSF Background Report of the Ukrainian Research and Innovation System (2016)
- PSF Report: Science, technology and innovation (STI) in Ukraine (2016)
- FTA supporting effective priority setting in multi-lateral research programme cooperation: The case of EU–Russia S&T cooperation (2015)
- ERA.Net RUS foresight report (2014)
- Towards a vision for research, technology and innovation cooperation between Russia and the EU, its Member States and Associated Countries (2013)
- Bilateral S&T Cooperation with Russia (2012)
- Common database on national science policies towards global issues (2012)
- ERA Fabric Map. First Edition (2012)
- Common methodological approach to collect information on national science policies and programmes towards global issues (2008)
- Raising Public Awareness in Science and Technology among Ethnic Minorities (2006)
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte:
Gorazd A. WEISS, senior expert and Head of Deparment "Research Policy and Development". His key competencies include research on RTDI policies, Development, RRI and Open Science, Gender issues, social entrepreneurship, co-design and co-creation of technical solutions, as well as coordination and management of international RTDI cooperation projects. Since 2010, Gorazd has conducted dozens of trainings, workshops, info sessions and summer schools on the following topics: successful proposal writing for researchers, responsible research and innovation for different target groups (e.g. policy makers, researchers, Higher Education Institutions, Horizon EUROPE National Contact Points, Horizon Europe Widening Countries, Civil Society Organizations (NGOs) and SMEs). Gorazd has, and continues to be involved in many RTDI projects around the world. Between 2008 and 2024 he was also involved in the organisation of several scientific events (i.e. workshops, focus groups, international conferences) for researchers and policy makers, on topics such as sustainable development, energy, climate change, migration, and NCP systems, etc.). Between 2005 and 2024 he was involved in more than 40 international RTDI projects funded by European Commission (FP5, FP6, FP7, H2020, Horizon Europe, EuropeAid-Technical Assistance, Interreg), other international (e.g. UNESCO, UNIDO) and national funded projects as a researcher, senior research project manager, senior expert or Coordinator.
Laufende und abgeschlossene Projekte:
- CRETE VALLEY - CRETE VALLEY: A new project to pioneer the first renewable energy valley in Europe (2023)
- CONSERWA (2023)
- GSF - Service Facility in Support of the Global Approach of Research and Innovation (2023)
- GSF-09-EaP - Support to the EU-Eastern Partnership (EaP) research and innovation cooperation (2022)
- XGain - Enhancing Competitiveness, Resilience & Sustainability of Remote Farming, Forestry and Rural Areas ... (2022, Projektleitung)
- VERITY - deVEloping scientific Research with ethIcs and inTegritY (2022)
- TWINNIBS - Twinning for excellence in non-invasive brain stimulation in Western Balkans (2022, Projektleitung)
- MSCAdvocacy - International Advocacy for the Strategic Alignment of MSCA Cooperation Mechanisms in Key Partner Countries and Regions (2022, Projektleitung)
- POLICY ANSWERS - R&I POLICY making, implementation ANd Support in the WEsteRn BalkanS (2022)
- PHOTORAMA - PHOtovoltaic waste management – advanced Technologies for recOvery & recycling of secondary RAw MAterials from end-of-life modules (2021)
- WBC-RRI.NET - Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems (2021)
- RIPEET - Responsible research and Innovation Policy Experimentations for Energy Transition (2021)
- BIONANOSENS - Deepening collaboration on novel biomolecular electronics based on "smart" nanomaterials (2020, Projektleitung)
- BrainTwin - Development of a World-Level Neuroengineering Research Centre by European Twinning (2020)
- HERAS PLUS - Higher Education, Research and Applied Science in Kosovo (2020)
- CoAct - Codesigning Citizen Social Science for Collective Action (2020)
- ETHNA - Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres (2020, Projektleitung)
- TRESCA - Trustworthy, Reliable and Engaging Scientific Communication Approaches (2020)
- Cherries - Constructing Healthcare Environments through Responsible Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategies (2020)
- NEUROTWIN - Pan-European twinning to re-establish world-level Neuroscience Centre in Kiev (2019)
- Technical Assistance for Turkey in Horizon 2020 – Phase II (2019, Projektleitung)
- Strengthening Research Development and Innovation in Higher Education in Azerbaijan (2018, Projektleitung)
- LIVERUR - Living Lab research concept in Rural Areas (2018, Projektleitung)
- Excellence-in-ReSTI - Excellence in research, social and technological innovation project management (2017)
- ISF - Service Facility in Support of the Strategic Development of International Cooperation in Research and Innovation (2017)
- Made in Danube - Made in Danube - Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von KMU im Donauraum durch Innovationspartnerschaften im Bereich Bioökonomie (2017)
- HERAS - Higher Education, Research and Applied Science in Kosovo (2016, Projektleitung)
- ESASTAP2020 - Strengthening Technology, Research and Innovation Cooperation between Europe and South Africa 2020 (2016)
- RI-LINKS2UA - Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine (2016, Projektleitung)
- INCOBRA - Increasing International Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation between Brazil and the European Union (2016, Projektleitung)
- PSF - Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (2015)
- RRI tools - Responsible Research and Innovation Tools (RRI TOOLS) (2014)
- INNO INDIGO (2013)
- ERA.Net RUS Plus (2013)
- BESTPRAC - The Voice of Research Administrators (2013)
- ener2i - ENErgy Research to Innovation (2013, Projektleitung)
- STI International Cooperation Network for Central Asian Countries-IncoNet CA (2013)
- IncoNet EaP (2013, Projektleitung)
- BILAT-RUS-Advanced (2012)
- BILAT UKR*AINA (2012, Projektleitung)
- VERA - Forward Visions on the European Research Area (2012)
- FORSEE (2011)
- ASO Ljubljana (2010)
- IncoNet CA/SC: S&T International Cooperation Network (2010)
- ERA.NET RUS - Linking Russia to the ERA (2009)
- WBC-INCO.NET (2008)
- IncoNet EECA - S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asia (2008)
- Koordinationsstelle der 'Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices' in Sofia und Ljubljana (ASO Sofia und ASO Ljubljana) (2004)
Weitere Publikationen:
Haegeman K.,Spiesberger, M.,Weiss, G., Veselitskaya N.,Sokolov, A.(2015):FTA supporting effective priority setting in multi-lateral research programme cooperation: The case of EU–Russia S&T cooperation .
Haegeman, K., Marinelli, E. Perez, S.E., Carat, G., Warnke,P., Degelsegger, A., Weiss, G. (2013): ERA Fabric Map – First Edition. European Commission, (EUR 25451 EN)
Spiesberger, M., Miener t M., Sonnenburg, J., Haegeman H.,Ozkan, O., Sokolov, A. Weiss, G.,Kahle,A., Schuch, K. Haliloglu, I.,KuklinaI.,Marinelli,E.,Balashova, M. (2013). Towards a vision for research, technology and innovation cooperation between Russia and the EU, its Member States and Associated Countries (2013)
Polzer, M., Rasekola,E.,Weiss, G. (2006): Raising Public Awareness in Science and Technology among Ethnic Minorities (241-253) in Publication: Science Policy and Human Resources Development in South-Eastern Europe in the Context of European Integration (Edited by Gajdusek, Mayr, Polzer)
Krusic, S., Polzer, M., Nechifor,I., Weiss, G.(Eds) (2007): DVD – Video-presentations: International Conference: Why invest in Science in SEE?, UNESCO- ROSTE
FURTHER PUBLICATIONS - ResearchGate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gorazd_Weiss
Teilnahme an folgenden Veranstaltungen:
RI-LINKS2UA Final Event
- Kiev, Ukraine
30. 01. 2019 - 30. 01. 2019 -
RI-LINKS2UA project organises Horizon 2020 training in Kyiv
- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 16, T. Shevchenko Blvd., Kyiv.
17. 10. 2018 - 17. 10. 2018 -
Presentation of the ReSTI.academy
- University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (FH Burgenland), Campus 1, 7000 Eisenstadt, Austria
02. 10. 2018 - 02. 10. 2018 -
Horizon 2020 Training events in the Western Balkan Countries
21. 09. 2018 - 23. 12. 2018 -
RaiSE meeting at the Social Enterprise World Forum 2018
12. 09. 2018 - 14. 09. 2018 -
EaP PLUS High-Level Seminar on Research and Innovation Policy
- Vienna, Athens
12. 10. 2017 - 13. 10. 2017 -
Clusters Manager Workshop
- IEF Conference Room, 26, Panasa Myrnoho, Kyiv, Ukraine
15. 02. 2017 - 15. 02. 2017 -
IncoNet EaP Winter School "Energy Efficiency" - International Project Management - from Theory to Practice
- Vienna/Austria
21. 11. 2016 - 25. 11. 2016 -
RI-LINKS2UA involved in Horizon 2020 info days on proposal writing in Lviv and Kyiv
- Lviv, Kyiv
18. 10. 2016 - 20. 10. 2016 -
BESTPRAC Training School
- ZSI, Linke Wienzeile 246, 1150 Vienna
27. 09. 2016 - 29. 09. 2016 -
Workshop on Scientific Diaspora in EaP countries
30. 06. 2016 - 01. 07. 2016 -
EaP Panel on Research & Innovation 2016 annual event "Horizon 2020 NCPs training"
- Ministry of Education and Science, Kyiv, Ukraine
16. 03. 2016 - 17. 03. 2016 -
VERA: Forward Visions on the European Research Area
- Brussels
21. 01. 2015 - 22. 01. 2015 -
ener2i brokerage Veranstaltung in Brüssel am 23. Juni 2014
- Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99-101, 1040 Brussels / Jacques Delors Building - Room JDE53
23. 06. 2014 -
Horizon 2020 Launch Conference, 16 January 2014, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Premises of the SASII, Boulevard Shevchenko, 16, Kyiv, Ukraine
16. 01. 2014