
Open Science

Open Science makes all components of the scientific process openly accessible, comprehensible and reusable. It opens up new possibilities for science, society and the economy in dealing with scientific findings.

According to Wikipedia, Open Science refers to a practice of science in which others can participate and contribute, with research data, laboratory reports and other research processes freely accessible, under conditions that enable the reuse, redistribution and replication of research and its underlying data and methods. In short, Open Science is transparent and accessible knowledge shared and (further) developed through collaborative networks (Vicente-Saez and Martinez-Fuentes, 2018))

On the one hand, this includes product-oriented approaches that make (interim) results as openly accessible as possible, such as Open Access, Open Data or Reproducible Research.

On the other hand, it can also be understood as the opening up of scientific processes, which includes citizen participation, for example. Other scientists, students and the interested public are granted insights into the creation of scientific results or are given the opportunity to participate in them themselves. At ZSI, open science in this broad sense is practised especially in the context of citizen science projects and participatory research.


Ansprechperson: Mag. Dr. Katja Mayer

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