
Challenge definition in Open Innovation Processes

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

In this policy brief Stefan Philipp, project coordinator of CHERRIES and researcher at ZSI, provides a theoretical background on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and describes the benefits of its use in R&I processes. He draws from his experiences with using challenge-based innovation approaches in the CHERRIES project to provide lessons learnt and practical recommendations on how to implement RRI in Research and Innovation projects.The brief describes the details, advantages and pitfalls of Challenge-based innovation approaches and how to navigate them, it is an important and practice oriented read for anyone interested in implementing challenged-based innovation in their own project.

Challenge-based innovation processes, used in e.g. open innovation, functional procurement, hackathons etc., have become increasingly popular during the last years and are also core of the experiments conducted in the CHERRIES project. The RRI experiments in CHERRIES are in fact based on demand-driven and open innovation approaches that should address the emerging and unmet needs of the health care sector at the territorial level in order to build more equitable and more socially “porous” healthcare systems for the health and benefits of all the citizens within each territory.This policy brief describes the lessons-learned in the course of the definition of the challenge within the Cherries Project.

AutorInnen: Philipp, S.


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Kategorie: Projekt Outputs

Publikations Datum: 2021

Bezug: Online (download)