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SIAMESE Workshop: Klimaexperimente-Mauerblümchen oder Hebel zur Transformation?
Gemeinsamer Workshop von SIAMESE und der TU Innovationswerkstatt

Gemeinsam mit der Innovationswerkstatt der TU Wien lud das SIAMESE Team zu einem offenen Werkstattgespräch ein, um das Transformationspotenzial und die nötigen Rahmenbedingungen von sozial-innovativen...

PHOTORAMA at EUSEW: Register now!
PHOTORAMA will take part in the European Sustainable Energy Week. Registration open!

In the scope of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) the H2020 project PHOTORAMA is hosting 2 events. Participation in both events is free of charge.   1) the PHOTORAMA Energy Day "...

The workshop was organised by the Danish Board of Technology in March in Copenhagen.

In the last cross-learning workshop, PRO-Ethics research funding partners (RFOs) were invited to discuss the outcomes, impacts, and learnings of their pilots. They jointly reflected on the experience ...

ACCTING - First Results and next steps
ACCTING relates to a fair Green Deal and its aim to do not leave anybody behind!

The ZSI is partner in ACCTING (AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal) produces knowledge and innovations to advance behavioural change for an inclusive and equal European Green ...

ZSI Work Programme 2023
Taste the fruits!

ZSI's current work programme 2023 provides information at a glance about our main research areas, our applied projects and our current publications. You can download the report here. 

Promoting Youth Engagement in Science: A Successful Event in Banja Luka
WBC-RRI.NET event at Banja Luka University

The event "Engaging Science with and for Youth," brought together partners of the WBC-RRI.NET project (ZSI is partner and work package leader in the project). The aim was to foster mutual learning, open...

Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans
Current state-of-play in relation to the portfolio of activities developed by the WBC-RRI.NET project

    Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems WBC-RRI.NET is a project funded by the EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme...

ZSI researchers authored a chapter on RRI institutionalisation efforts in the ETHNA System open access book

Members of the ETHNA System consortium have published an Open Access book titled “Ethics and Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice” based on their practical experience with the RRI governance...

Horizon Europe proposal writing workshop in Belgrade
National Institute for Medical Research trained in Horizon Europe funding

As part of the TWINNIBS project, Gorazd Weiss and Philipp Brugner led a Horizon Europe Proposal writing workshop for prospective Principal Investigators (PIs) from the National Institute for Medical Research...

Science Business on building China research capacity
The EU needs an own feed of information and research-based policy advice on China

The Brussels-based news platform ScienceIBusiness writes about the EU's efforts to support pan-European research on China. The article discusses the background of the European Commission's efforts to ...

Mit technologischem Fortschritt allein ist die Energiewende nicht zu schaffen. Gefragt ist die Mitarbeit der Menschen.

Cornelia Grobner berichtet in der Presse vom 5.5.2023 über das EU-Projekt EC2. Der vollständige Artikel ist hier nachzulesen.

Interview mit Stefan Philipp zum Thema Innovation im Gesundheitswesen.

INGO – die Plattform für Führungskräfte im österreichischen Gesundheitswesen, betrieben von der Vinzenz Gruppe – interviewte Stefan Philipp zum Thema Innovation im Gesundheitswesen. Stefan Philipp ...

FOODITY Photovoice Workshop in Wien
Mit Hilfe der Photovoice Methode finden wir heraus, wie Menschen mit ihren Ernährungsdaten umgehen.

Das Projekt FOODITY hat zum Hauptziel, ein europäisches Ökosystems digitaler Lösungen zu schaffen, das unter der Wahrung der Rechte der Bürger:innen auf die Souveränität persönlicher Daten zu einer nachhaltigeren...

In November 2022, PRO-Ethics partners met to reflect on the pilot activities and further develop its Ethics Framework.

As part of this, we carried out a series of interactive workshops, starting out with a synthesis workshop on pilot experiences aimed at discussing the findings and results of our participatory pilots. ...

In the PRO-Ethics' final year, stakeholder engagement for promoting the Ethics Framework has been a top priority.

In January and March 2023, PRO-Ethics brought together research ethics and integrity experts and research and innovation organisations respectively to gather insights that could help to better shape our...

MEDIENECHO 26. Apr 2023
Strengthening public trust in science
Strengthening public trust in science
EU-funded project seeks to restore trust in science amidst rising scepticism

Funded by the European Commission under Horizon Europe, the VERITY project, in which ZSI seeks to increase trust in science and innovation by developing a set of guidelines to increase trust in science...

Kurzanalysen und Forschungsergebnisse für alle
Zwischenräume ist ein Projekt der Plattform für Nachhaltige Entwicklung an der Universität für Weiterbildung Krems.

  Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Wissenschaft nie alleine steht, sondern sich immer in der Gesellschaft spiegelt und daher auch in deren Dienst und mit ihr gemeinsam entstehen soll. ...

Call for Associated Regions to participate in the DANUBE4all project.
DANUBE4all supports public authorities to develope roadmaps, plans, and projects to restore freshwater ecosystems

By promoting the improvement of ecological status, biodiversity, and ecosystem connectivity through the development and implementation of innovative Win-Win Nature Based Solutions, DANUBE4all aims to ...

Study on social innovation in research
A ZSI study commissioned by the Swiss National Science Foundation

Scientists are not only interested in theoretical questions, they also want to find solutions to society’s problems. This is shown by a study on the effects of SNSF-funded research. Distributing refugees...

Community Energy Academy: A training programme launches in April 2023!
How can we co-create sustainable energy solutions with local communities and citizens?

What is energy citizenship and how does it change the way we think about energy? How can we mainstream energy communities to speed up energy transition? Join the Community Energy Academy launching in ...

1 year mAkE project: supporting smart production and cooperation between European and African Digital Innovative Hubs.

mAkE is a European Horizon 2020 project focusing on hardware-focused Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), including makerspaces, as key drivers for local digital innovation in Africa and Europe.  ...

New solutions for vulnerable groups´ participation in the EU Green Deal! Natural disasters/Biodiversity and Nature

The ZSI will host the next Open Studio event in Vienna organized within the ACCTING project. ACCTING´s main aim as a Horizon2020 project is to explore conditions and relate in eight research lines to ...

Social startup program - applications welcome
The largest Europe-wide social startup program opens up!

In a consortium with European partners and supported by the EU, Silicon Vilstal is now launching the largest Europe-wide program for socialtech startups with €1.4 million equity-free financial support...

The European research cluster on China met in Brussels
ReConnect China and DWARC delivering results to the EC

On February 27, the two Horizon Europe projects dealing with China, ReConnect China and DWARC, met in Brussels for the 1st China cluster meeting. This format, which brings together Europe's leading research...

Launch of the newly established Organization of Kosovan-Austrian Alumni (OKAA)
HERAS+ Project supported the official launch ceremony of OKAA

The HERAS+ project, funded by the Austrian Development Agency, supported the official ceremony of launching the newly established Organization of Kosovan-Austrian Alumni (OKAA). We are happy...

MEDIENECHO 27. Feb 2023
Partizipation in Forschungsprojekten
Partizipation in Forschungsprojekten
Citizen Science: Ideal ist ein Miteinander ohne Autorität

Die Presse am Samstag, 25. Februar 2023: Mariele Schulze Berndt berichtet über die Beteiligung von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern in Forschungsprojekten. Das Ausmaß bürgerlichen Forschungsengagements unterscheidet...

Presenting the Climatubers project at the Sustainability Psychology conference
ZSI presented the Participatory Video method, piloted in the Climatubers project, and results from its evaluation

ZSI’s Katharina Koller presented a poster covering insights from the Climatubers project at the 12th annual Sustainability Psychology Preconference, which took place online. This year’s theme was “Diversifying...

Webinar: European Welfare States in Crisis? Labour Markets in Flux?
The WeLaR project hosts its first webinar on 27 February, 2023, 2-3.15 pm.

Join the first webinar of the WeLaR project, which seeks to understand the impact of digitalisation, globalisation, climate change and demographic shifts on labour markets and welfare states...

Mitarbeiter im Porträt - Wolfgang Haider
Wolfgang Haider ist seit 2015 am ZSI und arbeitet derzeit zu den Themen Klimawandelanpassung und Energiewende.

Wolfgang Haider hat Internationale Entwicklung und Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Wien studiert und ist seit 2015 am ZSI tätig. Aktuell arbeitet er in mehreren Projekten, unter anderem zu den ...

ONLINE EVENT on challenges of school to work transition
Among others, focus will be on 25+ NEETs especially living in the rural areas or of the ethnic Roma population.

When? Tuesday 31 January 2023, 11-13 (CET). The aim of the third event is to focus on the challenges of school-to-work transition, initially in a holistic perspective, and then specifically, in...

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des Projekts DIRECT HUBS im Rückblick
Ein Projekt zur Umwandlung der Lebensmittelwertschöpfungskette in einen Lebensmittelwertkreis in Wien & darüberhinaus

Nach zwei aktiven Jahren präsentiert das im Rahmen der Energy Transition 2050 geförderte Projekt seine Ergebnisse: DIRECT HUBS arbeitete an der Entwicklung eines Konzepts für lokale Innovations- und Transformationszentren...

Take part in the PRO-Ethics online consultation
Comment on our ethics framework to guide research funding organizations in organizing ethical stakeholder participation.

We invite you to take part in the PRO-Ethics online consultation. The research project PRO-Ethics is developing an ethics framework to guide research funding organizations in organizing and implementing...

Klaus J. Jacobs Forschungspreis 2023
Nominierungen erbeten bis 15. März

Die Jacobs Foundation lädt zu Nominierungen für den Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize 2023 ein. Der Preis zeichnet herausragende wissenschaftliche Beiträge von Einzelpersonen aus allen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen...

Zukunft gestalten mit Sozialen Innovationen
Neue Herausforderungen für Politik, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft

Im Format eines Sammelbands werden aktuelle Perspektiven auf soziale Innovationen aus dem Blickwinkel von Wissenschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft erörtert. Ihre Bedeutung für die transformativen...

MEDIENECHO 13. Jan 2023
Auch Kinder haben was zu sagen
Auch Kinder haben was zu sagen
Stella Wolter und Birgit Sauer im Interview über kindzentrierte Wissenschaft und kindzentrierte Integrationspolitik

Sind Kinder mit Migrationsgeschichte an Österreichs Schulen wirklich so schlecht integriert? Und wenn ja, woran liegt es?  Wie kann Integration an Schulen besser gelingen? Das internationale...

The relationships between technological development, globalisation and migration and inequalities under discussion.

On 1 February 2023, UNTANGLED researchers from Politecnico di Milano will organise a workshop devoted to old and new forms of inequalities. The event will feature a keynote from Professor George ...

Trust in Science and Democracy
Stellungnahme des ZSI zum 10-Punkte-Programm

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, das ZSI ist seit vielen Jahren an der Schnittstelle Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft tätig und international ein anerkannter Partner in der Wissenschafts- und Demokratievermittlung...

Aktuelles im Bereich Citizen Science

Ende Juni 2022 traf sich die deutschsprachige Citizen Science-Community wieder bei der Österreichischen Citizen Science Konferenz. Unter dem Motto "Citizen Science - Warum (eigentlich) ...

Krisen als Chance für soziale Innovation
Walter Osztovics über soziale Innovation in Krisenzeiten

In dem Gastbeitrag in Die Zeit vom 5.1.2023 schreibt der Autor Walter Osztovics über soziale Innovationen in Krisenzeiten: "So düster wird’s nicht. Die Zukunft sah schon mal besser aus. Doch die Krisen...

ZSI and SFS as central nodes of social innovation research
Review of the Book "Zukunft gestalten mit Sozialen Innovationen"

In his review of the Book "Zukunft gestalten mit Sozialen Innovationen" (edited by Jürgen Howaldt, Miriam Kreibich, Jürgen Streicher and Carolin Thiem), Herbert Schubert (Professor of Organisational Sociology...

New Report on the Situation of NEETs aged 25+ out now!
New insights on the individual and systemic factors that influence NEET status in Europe

In the context of the Lost Millennials Project, ZSI's Katharina Koller, Stella Wolter, and Juliet Tschank have analysed the situation of young adults aged 25 years and over, who are not in employment, ...

Wiener Gleichstellungsmonitor veröffentlicht!
Datenerhebung und Redaktion erfolgte durch das ZSI

Der aktuelle Wiener Gleichstellungsmonitor 2021 geht der Frage nach, wie sich die Lebenssituationen von Frauen und Männern in Wien mit der Zeit verändert haben. Die dafür konzipierten 12 Themen und 160...

19. Dez 2022
Citizen Social Science
Citizen Social Science
New policy brief on opportunities and challenges of citizen social science

Citizen Social Science: a promising approach for more participation in knowledge production and decision making Deliverable #2.5 of the Project CoAct Experiences from three years of Co-designing...

MEDIENECHO 15. Dez 2022
Probleme durch Partizipation lösen
Probleme durch Partizipation lösen
Wissenschaftliche Prozesse gemeinsam gestalten

Im Ansatz der "Citizen Social Science" werden Laien in wissenschaftliche Prozesse integriert um die eigene Lebenswelt zu verbessern. Zugleich wird dadurch die Wissenschaftsskepsis in der Gesellschaft ...

ZSI joins the ENRICH GLOBAL network
Taking European innovation global

The objective of ENRICH GLOBAL is to contribute to the development of European scientific, technological and innovation excellence, reinforce innovation competitiveness and internationalisation and take...

new videos of Climatubers & interview with ZSI
participatory video making on climate change & vulnerabilities

We would like to draw your attention to the new newsletter of the Climatubers project (Erasmus+). It includes the newest project videos, which are the result of a training on participatory video making...

1. Dez 2022
Besuch der DLR
Besuch der DLR
Eine Delegation der DLR besuchte das ZSI Büro am Donnerstag, 1.12.2022.

Klaus Uckel, Jörn Sonnenburg, Andre Schlochtermeier, Angela Schinder-Daniels und Franz Bauer vom DLR Projektträger waren zu Besuch in Wien. Der Austausch der langjährigen Kooperationspartner am ZSI bot...

Discussing the next four years of China research
The interdisciplinary EU consortium ReConnect China met in Ghent to start its joint project

ReConnect China is funded under Horizon Europe and coordinated by Ghent University in Belgium. It aims to answer the question in which domains collaboration of the EU with China is desirable, possible...

Principles of Participatory Evaluation
What to consider when you do co-evaluation

A research team from ZSI advanced the methodology of co-evaluation in the context of a Citizen Social Science project and publised a Whitepaper on 6 core principles of co-evaluation. In short...

MEDIENECHO 28. Nov 2022
Soziale Klimaexperimente
Soziale Klimaexperimente
Klimaschutz hängt nicht nur an technischen, sondern auch an sozialen Innovationen.

Am 27.11.2022 bereichtete Die Presse über Ergebnisse aus einem Forschungsprojekt zu transformativen Klimaexperimenten mit dem Namen Siamese (Social Innovation for Adaptation and Mitigation. Experimentation...

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