
ERA Fabric Map. First Edition

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

This ERA fabric map provides a starting point for the implementation of the 'Visions for the ERA' (VERA) project by giving a snapshot of the ERA today in support of developing alternative future scenarios for its evolution and by mapping current involvement of stakeholders in ERA. It looks at division of responsibilities between EU and Member States, and at institutions and bodies involved in the European research system. Starting from the six ERA dimensions described in the ERA Green Paper, the report then looks where we are today, and which direction the future is taking, given the policy context of Europe 2020. Involvement of stakeholders in further building the ERA is looked at by analysing their involvement in a number of existing ERA instruments, using a taxonomy of stakeholder roles and functions. This initial mapping will be updated twice as part of the VERA project, and its findings will be used as input for the communication plan of workpackage 6 and for the other project workpackages of the VERA project.

AutorInnen: Degelsegger-Márquez, A., Weiss, G., Karel Haegeman, Elisabetta Marinelli, Susana Elena Perez, Gérard Carat, Philine Warnke


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Kategorie: Projekt Outputs

Publikations Datum: 2012

Bezug: Online (download)