
ERA Fabric Map. Third Edition

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

The third ERA Fabric Map reviews the main research and innovation policy programmes at the EC level. Specifically, the authors provide a description and historical overview of Horizon2020 and the Structural Funds (with particular attention to the European Regional Development Fund - ERDF), and the synergies between the two. They highlight how these instruments relate to the five ERA priorities identified by the ERA Communication (EC COM(2012) 392 final), discussed in the second edition of the Fabric Map. Finally, the authors introduce a prospective element to the report and describe the four scenarios developed by VERA, focussing in particular on whether and how stakeholders, instruments and the current ERA priorities are depicted.

AutorInnen: Degelsegger-Márquez, A., Riedmann , K., Elisabetta Marinelli, Andrea Zenker, Stephanie Daimer, Mathieu Doussineau, Karel Haegeman


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Kategorie: Projekt Outputs

Publikations Datum: 2015

Bezug: Online (download)