
Public engagement in Research Science Education and Gender Equality in Science

WBC-RRI.NET open dialogue and working group meeting in Podgorica

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

Datum: 13. Dezember 2022

The WBC-RRI.NET team is organising an open dialogue event in which participants will have the opportunity to meet each other in Podgorica, but also to follow the first part of the event through the ZOOM platform. You are welcome to join and learn more about science and education equity in the Western Balkans while also tackling the importance of the RRI perspective in STEM Education.

Besides the regional overview, the event aims at providing an international outlook and finally involves participants in a round table focusing on the role of Gender Equality (GE) and Science Education (SE) in S3 planning, implementation, and monitoring process.

The event is organized in two sessions:

  • Part 1: Open Dialogue in Science Education and Gender Equality in STEM in the WB region including a round table on GE and SE to help citizens’ engagement in the S3 process to also respond to the current societal challenges (public and streamed).
  • Part 2: Meeting of the Working Group 2 – Science education and public engagement (informal, for WG2 members, not recorded, in person). If you are not yet member of Working group 2 but you will be in Podgorica and you wish to attend also Part 2 of the event, please join the group by filling in the questionnaire at the following link, preferably by 30 November 2022!

The registrations will be open until December 6th.

Typ: Kooperative Veranstaltung (ZSI als Co-Organisator)

Organisator: WBC-RRI.NET consortium

Veranstaltungsort: Podgorica and online

Webseite: ... education/

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Tags: gender equality, responsible research, RRI, science communication

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