Tag: RRI


Gender and inclusiveness: peer learning among projects
The VERITY Project celebrates a year of milestones!
The ETHNA System final conference successfully organized
Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans
Open access book on the ETHNA System project results is OUT!
1st results of the multi-stakeholder consultation on ETHNA System concept are IN
ETHNA System newsletter Vol 3: OUT NOW!
First PRO-Ethics Policy Brief
The Social Lab Approach – Experiences from First Hand
ETHNA project: Towards more responsible research & innovation #RRI
Im Porträt: ZSI-Forscherin Dorothea Sturn
Fostering exchange and insights of RRI practices
CHERRIES launches Webinar series
Wissenschaftskommunikation: Wie beteiligen sich ForscherInnen und warum nicht?
How to integrate RRI into large research organisations?
Public Engagement in Responsible Research and Innovation Book review
CHERRIES project successfully launched with Kick-off meeting in Vienna
Policy briefs recommends actions to tackle 'Grand Challenges'
ResInfra@DR interview: from vision to achievements
Register Now! Resinfra@DR final event
2nd Energy Social Lab of NewHoRRIzon
ResInfra@DR project starts series of Information Sessions
2nd NewHoRRIzon Social Lab Workshops
New HoRRIzon: First Social Labs launched
PLOTINA Projekt: Förderung von Gender-Inklusion in Forschung und Lehre
Österreich soll Vorbild für „bürgernahe“ Forschung werden
In Focus of WBC-RTI.info: Responsible Research and Innovation
Wissenschaftsvermittlung bis Mitternacht: European Researcher's Night 2015
What is responsibility in Research and Innovation?
ZSI_Stimmen: RRI – auf dem Weg zu einem neuen europäischen Forschungsparadigma?
RRI Tools: The transformative power of RRI under experimentation
DER STANDARD: Werkzeugkiste für Paradigmenwechsel in der Forschung
Rückblick auf das 49. Treffen des ScienceCenter Netzwerks
'RRI-ICT Forum' Project Kick-Off


Sustaining Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkan
Webinar on “Spreading Citizen Science in the Western Balkans”
Mutual learning event: Implementing Open Science and Research Ethics
Embedding RRI into the Green Agenda in Western Balkans
From Strategy to Action: Lessons from Gender Equality Plans (Online)
Open Science, Innovation and Smart Specialisation
Engaging Science with and for Youth
Successful Gender Equality Plans: Sharing experiences from the Western Balkans
Public engagement in Research Science Education and Gender Equality in Science
European Science Open Forum 2022
Responsible Research and Innovation – a requirement for excellence in research
"Gender Equality Plan Development ...
1. Innovationsdialog für Bildung
RRI - Von der Theorie zur Praxis.
European Researchers’ Night 2015
« RRI and SSH in ICT-related parts of H2020 – Getting started »
49. Treffen des ScienceCenter Netzwerks: (Wie) Kann die Öffentlichkeit forschen?
Workshop zu Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)


POLICY BRIEF Co-creating Responsible Research and Innovation activities: Experiences from the Western Balkan
RRI im Forschungsfeld Betreuung - Praxisbeispiel und Lernerfahrungen
CfP: Critical Data and Algorithm Studies
Video: RRI Dialogue Methodology for SMART-map project
Public Engagement in Responsible Research and Innovation. A Critical Reflection from the Practitioner’s Point of View
Interactive reflection trainings on RRI for multiple stakeholder groups
Smart-map Industrial Dialogue Formats
RRI in Österreich. Positionspapier. Verantwortungsbewusste Forschung und Innovation. Begriffsbestimmung, Herausforderungen, Handlungsempfehlungen.
Developing tools for RRI


deVEloping scientific Research with ethIcs and inTegritY
Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems
Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres
Constructing Healthcare Environments through Responsible Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategies
NewHoRRIzon: Excellence in science and innovation for Europe by adopting the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation
Roadmaps to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies
RRI-ICT Forum: Supporting & Promoting RRI in ICT research
RRI Tools