Past Events Filter
Upcoming Events
ZSI provides fourth training for Citizen Science Initiatives in the StepChange project
Regional Cooperation Council invites ZSI to present new project
ZSI provides third training for Citizen Science Initiatives in the StepChange project
The EU as a new global actor and the role of civil society
Join the IntelComp project and others discussing cloud computing, big data and AI contributing to public policy making
2. Dec. 2021
Diplomacy on Stage
Conference on the occasion of the 20th work Anniversary of the Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade
ZSI provides second training for Citizen Science Initiatives in the StepChange project
Die AK OÖ diskutiert arbeitsmarkt- und sozialpolitisch sinnvolle Vorschläge zur Reform der Arbeitslosenversicherung
COVID-19 Studien bei AUSSDA mit ZSI-Beteiligung
European Future Forum of the European Youth Parliament Austria on the role of science for the EU
Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 419

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