
Formative evaluation of the Jump@School intervention combatting early school leaving

Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit

Besides the impact analysis, which forms the main part of the Jump@School evaluation model, a formative evaluation was also included. The main aim of the formative evaluation was to validate as to how far the goals set in the Jump@School logic model of intervention were achieved in reality and in a sense, provide background and context information regarding the process of the experiment.

  1. Individual Development Plan Agreement (IDPA)
  2. Individual monitoring process journal (IMPJ)
  3. Workshop feedback form
  4. Workshop reflection form
  5. Experiment monitoring template

The data from the last instrument, ‘the experiment monitoring template’ fed into the condensed report from national researchers which can be found in the Jump@School website.

This report, aims to present the results from the descriptive analysis of the other four data collection tools. The ‘individual monitoring process journal’ completed by the Jump@Operators aimed to document the student’s paths as regards to the individual sessions with the Jump@Operators. Among others it documented the dates of the meetings as well as their duration. The analysis of this instrument was done together with that of the IDPA and the results can be found in the section below ‘Individual sessions’.

First, the Jump@Operators’ reflection and feedback to the different workshops is presented per workshop. This is followed by the assessment of the same workshops by the students of the Jump@School intervention per school, finally the analysis of the individual sessions between the Jump@Operators and the individual students are presented according to cohort.

AutorInnen: Šalamon, N., Tschank, J.


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Kategorie: Projektberichte

Publikations Datum: 2017

Bezug: Online (download)