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ZSI co-authored a SEA-EU-NET study on the ASEAN Economic Community and its impacts on innovation in Southeast Asia

The most recent study of the SEA-EU-NET analysis team, which is led by ZSI, focuses on the relationships between economic integration and innovation. The authors compare Southeast Asian and European innovation...

Helmut Gassler joined the Research Policy department of ZSI
Senior researcher in the field of RTI policy analysis and business incubation joined ZSI

As of 2 May 2016, Helmut Gassler, expert in RTI policy analysis and business incubation joins the Department of Research Policy and Development at ZSI. Helmut has demonstrable reference projects in...

The RRI Tools project will provide a comprehensive training on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).

This training addresses the needs of professionals who are interested in leading their organisations into RRI practice, and will be particularly useful to those working in science communication/education...

Contributions for the
Danube-INCO.NET organises a workshop at OPEN Evaluation 2016. Deadline to submit abstracts prolongued to 08/04

The "Science for Smart Specialisation (S3) workshop: Combining old and new approaches for monitoring and evaluating innovation policies"session will include cases of how public and private agents are ...

Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte, AK Wien, Donnerstag, 21.4. 13-17 Uhr

ZSI Statement im aktuellen VCÖ Magazin
"Beim Entwickeln neuer Mobilitätskonzepte müssen Alter, Geschlecht und soziale Herkunft mit berücksichtigt werden"

Im aktuellen VCÖ Magazin (Ausgabe 2016/1) mit dem Thema 'Schritt für Schritt zur Mobilitätswende' befindet sich neben anderen ExpertInnen auch ein Statement von ZSI Mitarbeiterin Susanne Dobner. Sie betont...

RRI in South East Europe

The FP7-funded RRI Tools project (2014-2016) is implemented with the objective to deliver a participatory set of digital resources - ‘the RRI Toolkit’ - to advocate, train, disseminate and implement RRI...

Die ersten Preisträger des neuen Josef-Hochgerner Stipendiums wurden ausgewählt!
Am 7. April wurde Alfons Bauernfeind und Maria Angerer das Josef-Hochgerner Stipendium 2016 verliehen.

Anläßlich der 25-Jahr-Feier des Zentrums für Soziale Innovation am 18. November 2015 im Wiener Rathaus wurde das Josef-Hochgerner Stipendium, benannt nach dem Gründer und langjährigen wissenschaftlichen...

Giving Focus to the Cultural, Scientific and Social dimension of EU-LAC relations

On April 4-5 the H2020 project EULAC Focus celebrated its kick-off event at the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) in Madrid. EULAC Focus is a research project which stands for giving focus to...

EU-Brazil cooperation : INCOBRA project has started
Increasing collaboration between Europe and Brazil – INCOBRA

ZSI is a partner of the EU funded project INCOBRA and recently participated in a kick-off meeting in Oporto, Portugal. The overall objective of INCOBRA is to focus on, increase, and enhance Research...

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