Knowledge and awareness about research security with China
26. Aug 2024
The topic of research security was high on the agenda of the outgoing European Commission as evidenced by a series of policy documents, most notably in the Economic Security Strategy package put forward in May 2024. Also for the forthcoming new "College" (the EU's 27 new Commissioners), research security will definitely continue to fill policy discussions and expert debates.
Against the backdrop of research security as a subject of growing importance with higher awareness levels across European R&I stakeholders, ZSI researchers Gábor Szüdi and Philipp Brugner conducted a survey with Austrian scientists from May to June 2024. In this survey, individual and institutional cooperation patterns between Austria and China in research and innovation were investigated, and five related policy recommendations - targeting the European and the EU MS level - formulated.
The results are now available in ReConnect China's policy brief 12: Knowledge and Perception of Research Security – the Case of Research Cooperation between Austria and China.
Move over to the ReConnect China website to find out more!
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