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Eine aktuelle Analyse des ZSI-Experten August Gächter in der Tageszeitung DerStandard

Österreich leidet unter den Nachwirkungen der 2008 ausgebrochenen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise. So viel ist den meisten Menschen bewusst. Die Zahl der Arbeitslosigkeit wächst schließlich seit Jahren, ...

Interested in fighting air pollution and in citizen science? Check our new project website

Just in time for Europe's biggest Citizen Science Conference ECSA 2016 the project website for CAPTOR was launched. In CAPTOR citizens and scientists collaborate closely to monitor and address ozone...

Globalisiert, aber auf nationalem Sockel: Was treibt, was hemmt die Internationalisierung der Forschung

Am:     Montag, 23. Mai 2016 Um:      18.00 Uhr Im:        Reitersaal der OeKB, Strauchgasse 3, 1010 Wien   ...

am 26-28 September 2016, in Brüssel

Wir freuen uns den bevorstehenden Launch-Event des H2020 Projektes Social  Innovation Community (SIC), ein "Netzwerk von Netzwerken im Bereich von Sozialen Innovationen " bekannt zu geben. SIC...

Deadline for the next call for Short term scientific missions (STSM) is 1st June 2016.

Apart from individually organised STSMs, there is a specific 'Group STSM' which has been generously arranged and coordinated by three universities in Flanders: VUB (Free University Brussels); Ghent University...

Vorteile beruflicher Mobilität

Maria Schwarz-Woelzl wurde für die Tiroler Tageszeitung interviewt, wo Vor- und Nachteile beruflicher Mobilität von Älteren angeschnitten wurden. Erkenntnisse gewonnen aus dem Projekt CaMEO - Career Mobility...

From innovation performance assessment to innovation policies
INCO NET Eastern Partnership Event in Armenia on the measurement of innovation and lessons for R&I policy-delivery

On 3-4 May 2016, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, together with ZSI and SPI organised a workshop on the measurement of innovation and on how policy can learn from it. The workshop...

Reimbursement for up to 20 young researchers available: 19-20 July in Budapest/Hotel Gellert

You are invited to join the following Danube-INCO.NET events for the development of bio-based economy in the Danube Region: A. The Conference “Supporting the development of bio-based economy partnerships...

Information about the Indo-European S&T and Innovation Joint Calls for proposals on launched by INNO INDIGO

You would like to have more information about the Indo-European S&T Joint Call for proposals on Biobased energy and Innovation Call on Bioeconomy launched by INNO INDIGO? To clarify some doubts? To...

INNO INDIGO opens two Indo-European calls for applications: Innovation call on bioeconomy & S&T call on biobased energy

Innovation Call on Bioeconomy Deadline to submit your proposal : 31 August 2016 What can be funded under the Innovation Call? Indo-European projects designed to lead to innovative products, services...

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