
PSF Report: Analysis of the Georgian RTI system

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

This background report, which was written by Klaus Schuch, main author and scientific director of ZSI, together with colleagues from Technopolis and M. Chitashvili from Georgia, provides an overview of the Georgian economy, an analysis of available statistics related to the research and innovation (R&I) system in Georgia, presents key players of the R&I system, and provides information on recent legislation and implementation measures. It has been prepared to facilitate further research into the key issues covered by this PSF Specific Support exercise: identifying promising research fields, narrowing the gap between research and industry/business, and a proposal for the performance-based funding of research entities.

You can download the report from the H2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF) site here.

AutorInnen: Schuch, K., Marine Chitashvili, Carolina Spaini, Paresa Markianidou, Asel Doranova

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Tags: Eastern Partnership countries, Georgia, innovation systems analysis, research and innovation policy

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Kategorie: Projektberichte

Publikations Datum: 2018

Bezug: Online (download)