Lessons learnt from a randomised control trial of efficacy of a case management approach on the early school leaving rate of 14-17 year olds
Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
Although randomised control trials – like the one implemented in the evaluation of the Jump@School pilot – are regarded as the most powerful research designs to establish causality as well as effectiveness of interventions as has been proven by the evaluation of the Jump@School intervention, they are not without challenges. Such evaluations are demanding as they require early and detailed planning coupled with the fact that they are quite complicated to design and implement especially when implemented by different people in different contexts (need for both standardisation and context sensitivity). Needless to say, implementing such an evaluation in the framework of funded projects with tight schedules complicates the situation even further.
This report presents the reflection from an evaluation point of view on the challenges faced as well as the lessons learnt in the implementation of this evaluation design.
AutorInnen: Tschank, J.
Verwandte Artikel:
- News: In or out?
- Projekt: Jump@School
Kategorie: Projektberichte
Publikations Datum: 2017
Bezug: Online (download)