
Bilateral S&T Cooperation with Russia

BILAT-RUS Report on instruments for bilateral S&T cooperation with Russia

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

This report has been prepared in the frame of the BILAT-RUS project. It provides an overview of bilateral funding programmes for research, development and innovation (RDI) between selected EU Member States, countries associated to FP7 and Russia. The report is structured in an overview of cooperation and funding programmes per country, including statistics. In an annex, bilateral cooperation programmes are presented in table form. The report was prepared under the task lead of ZSI, with contributions by ZSI collaborators Manfred Spiesberger, Gorazd Weiss, Jana Machacova, Desiree Pecarz, and Michael Le Gohebel.

AutorInnen: Le Gohebel, M., Machacova, J., Pecarz, D., Spiesberger, M., Weiss, G., Marinela Popa - CNRS, Paris Jörn Grünewald – IB-DLR, Bonn Anna Pikalova, Alexander Mazurin – HSE, Moscow


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Tags: internationalisation, research cooperation, RTDI cooperation, Russia

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Kategorie: Projekt Outputs

Publikations Datum: 2012

Bezug: Online (download)