
Mapping of Advanced Materials Deployment for Societal Challenges: Health, Energy, Water

Bereich: Technik & Wissen

The goal of this deliverable is to provide a map of the status of research and
development on nanotechnology for health, energy and water. The map synthetizes
bibliometric information on nano research selected topics in Latin America, as well as
qualitative information on policy initiatives, ongoing research projects, main research
groups and institutions in six Latin American Countries. This map will allow the
identification of stakeholders and experts to be invited to events under WP3 and WP4
and support the pooling of knowledge in the field. It will also support the identification of
niches for international and regional cooperation.

AutorInnen: Degelsegger-Márquez, A., Lampert, D., Lindorfer, M., Riedmann , K., Simon, J., Wagner, I., Noela Invernizzi, Guillermo Foladori,Edgar Záyago Lau, Eduardo Robles-Belmont, Edgar Arteaga Figueroa, Carolina Bagattolli, Adriana Chiancone, Leandro Andrini, William Urquijo, Tomás Carozza


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Kategorie: Projekt Outputs

Publikations Datum: 2015

Bezug: Online (download)