Projekte Filter
Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
Typ: Netzwerk
Programm: ESF+
Von/Bis: 06/2024 - 05/2027

Transnational exchange between the partner countries as a catalyst for knowledge transfer of social innovation.

Sustainable Higher Education and Research in Kosovo
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Beratung
Programm: ERP
Von/Bis: 06/2024 - 05/2027

Supporting the research and innovation ecosystem in Kosovo

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Forschung
Von/Bis: 05/2023 - 04/2027

Evidence-based support for transition to agroecological weed management in diverse farming systems and European regions

Next Generation Solutions for Sustainable, Inclusive, Resource-efficient and Resilient Cultural Heritage
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Forschung
Programm: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02
Von/Bis: 10/2023 - 03/2027

This project aims to use new technologies to boost sustainable, inclusive and resource-efficient cultural heritage.

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Beratung
Von/Bis: 01/2023 - 12/2026

The Service Facility aims to support the European Commission in reinforcing international policy dialogue world-wide and identifying opportunities for increased cooperation.

Sustainable surface protection by glass-like and biomaterials hybrid coatings
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Horizon Research and Innovation Action
Von/Bis: 01/2023 - 12/2026

BIO-SUSHY targets to develop three PFAS-free novel coatings, which will be validated in applications in the textile, food, and cosmetic packaging industries.

Bereich: Technik & Wissen
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Horizon Europe
Von/Bis: 01/2024 - 12/2026

BOOST-IN adapts the concept of circular economy to the water cycle by exploring promising innovative solutions in co-creation processes.

Bereich: Technik & Wissen
Typ: Forschung
Programm: HE - Bauhaus
Von/Bis: 01/2024 - 12/2026

Lokal zugängliche urbane digitale und nachhaltige Fabriken: Der neue europäische Bauhaus-Ansatz für eine offene und dezentrale städtische Produktion

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Forschung
Von/Bis: 11/2022 - 10/2026

What you always wanted to know about science, research and innovation in Austria - here it comes!

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Typ: Forschung
Programm: Horizon Europe-CL2-2021-TRANSFORMATIONS
Von/Bis: 11/2022 - 10/2026

ReConnect China aims to answer the question in which domains the collaboration of the EU with China is desirable, possible or impossible.

Einträge per Page: 10, 20, 50

Gesamt: 696

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