Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung


Mission Service Facility

Support for the implementation of the EU missions in Austria

The European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2021-2027 ("Horizon Europe") has defined five EU missions (in the areas of Cancer, Climate Adaptation, Cities, Soil and Water), the implementation of which requires close cooperation with national and regional policies. In Austria, the EU Missions Working Group was established for the coordinated implementation of the EU missions in the context of the RTI Task Force under the leadership of the BMBWF and BMK, whose initial task was to jointly develop an implementation framework for the EU missions in Austria that builds on the European implementation plans for the five missions. Five expert groups (Mission Action Groups MAG) were established within the framework of the EU Missions WG in order to develop mission-specific recommendations with the involvement of relevant stakeholders and incorporate them into the implementation framework. Declarations of intent from the RTI and sectoral ministries as well as the central RTI institutions supplement the implementation framework. The implementation framework was adopted by resolution of the RTI Task Force in March 2023.

The Mission Facility for Policy Learning, Foresight, Monitoring and Evaluation (MF) forms a further supporting component for the future governance of EU missions in Austria. The MF should help to ensure that the diverse groups of actors involved in mission-oriented policy jointly design and implement a portfolio of measures that is complex but as well coordinated as possible. The measures and the processes of their definition and implementation must therefore be regularly reflected upon and monitored, their appropriateness evaluated and, if necessary, adjustments made. 

The MF should also help to meet the need for forward-looking governance through various foresight instruments in order to regularly scrutinise the mission policy cycle from its inception to its implementation. In addition, the MF should play an important role in documenting the progress and obstacles in the implementation of the five EU missions in Austria. And finally, the MF should contribute to supporting the further development of the EU missions in Austria by exchanging information with similar endeavours in other European countries and internationally (e.g. via the OECD). 

The Mission Support Facility is implemented by a consortium consisting of AIT (coordinator), Joanneum Research and ZSI, supported by Fraunhofer ISI.




Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

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Tags: missions, research and innovation policy

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Typ: Forschung

Einreichdatum: 01/2024

Projekt Status: In Durchführung

Von/Bis: 03/2024 - 12/2027

Laufzeit: 46 Monate