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Reviving history: “My STECCI Story” Workshop in Sarajevo & Kopošići
Innovative approaches in the transdisciplinary research on the cultural heritage of stećci

Stećci are unique medieval tomb monuments located in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, the European research project STECCI focuses on innovative preservation and valorisation ...

Transforming Climate Policy Engagement with Role-Playing Games
New insights on climate policy engagement

At the recent APA Division 34's Online Conference, ZSI’s Katharina Koller presented on how game-based interventions, specifically role-playing games, can transform climate policy dialogue. The study, ...

16th International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC)
Making STEM education more exciting and inclusive with making

Elisabeth Unterfrauner, Head of the Department of Technology and Knowledge at the Center of Social Innovation in Vienna, recently attended the 16th International Social Innovation Research Conference (...

Gaming for Climate and Nature
worldwide UNDP study launched

The GREAT Project has recently launched a global study in collaboration with UNDP, the United Nations Development Programme, called Play2Act.  Play2Act collects public views about how video...

VERITY presented at a Budapest conference on science and disinformation
ZSI researcher Gábor Szüdi took part in a discussion on science communication challenges and strategies

The Science and Society Research Group at the Ludovika University of Public Service organised a conference in Budapest on 13 October 2023 titled: ‘Science and disinformation: how science can support society...

ScienceIBusiness über Forschungssicherheit in Österreich
Ergebnisse einer Umfrage mit österreichischen Forscher:innen

Am 10. September berichtete ScienceIBusiness über die Ergebnisse einer aktuellen Umfrage im Rahmen des ReConnect China-Projektes. Im Rahmen dieser (nicht-repräsentativen) Umfrage sind Gábor Szüdi und ...

Register now for the Final GenB Webinar on Communication Skills for Bioeconomy
September 9th, 2024 from 18:00 - 20:00 CET, online

The GenB Project is excited to announce the final session of its English Master Course, scheduled for September 9th, 2024, from 18:00 to 20:00 CET. This advanced webinar is part of the GenB capacity-building...

Knowledge and awareness about research security with China
The case of Austria

The topic of research security was high on the agenda of the outgoing European Commission as evidenced by a series of policy documents, most notably in the Economic Security Strategy package put forward...

Einladung zum offenen Diskussionsabend
Daten und Ernährung: Chancen nutzen, Verantwortung übernehmen

Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, was mit den Daten passiert, die zum Beispiel beim Verwenden von Ernährungs-Apps oder einer Bonuscard gesammelt werden? In unserer digitalen Welt entstehen ständig riesige...

Building bridges for business between Europe and Africa
Supporting small business start-ups is heralding in a new era for EU-Africa cooperation on innovation

A recently published article by Horizon, the EU Resarch & Innovation magazine, features the mAkE project. mAkE is coordinated by ZSI senior Dr. Barbara Kieslinger to strengthen to African...

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