
The 8th COP Meeting in Budapest from 6 – 7 June 2011

21. Jun 2011

Review on “Strengthening Local Employment Activities by Promoting Partnership”


The 8th meeting of the Community of Practice on Partnership in the ESF (COP) was organized by ZSI and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection in cooperation with the Hungarian COP core partners, the Ministry for National Economy and the National Development Agency in Hungary. It was moderated by Jana Machacová from ZSI and the opening speeches were held by Katalin Szatmári (Ministry for National Economy), Doris Ballwein (COP Lead Partner, Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection) and Luca Pirozzi (European Commission, DG Employment). The Hungarian colleagues continued with an input on “partnership in planning”.

The presentation was focussing on how partnerships are working in Hungary at the level of Community Support Framework (CSF) and the differences between former ESF programming period 2004-06 and 2007-13.
It was followed by an input on “Partnership in delivery and in evaluation – achievements in hindsight”. Then theHungarian colleagues were presenting “Practices from local level” where the project “REKORD” was introduced. The project focuses on the creation of regional employment cooperation and forming network coordination in the West Transdanubia. Finally, the programme for the most disadvantaged micro-regions (LHH) was presented.

During the COP Steering Group Meeting on day 2, the interim results achieved by the external evaluation team of the Tavistock Institute has been presented. The PEO Exploration on the Hungarian partnership approaches was very successful and will be included in the Partnership Learning Manual which will be presented during the International Partnership Conference which will be held on 11-12 October 2011 in Vienna.

Pictures of the 8th COP Meeting in Budapest. For further information please follow the link

Tags: partnership, social cohesion, social innovation

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