
Evaluating foresight in transnational research programming

Section: Research Policy & Development

This publication stems from foresight work conducted in the ERA.Net RUS project, which dealt with S&T and innovation cooperation between the EU and Russia. The paper aims to look at how the use of foresight in transnational research programming (TRP) can be evaluated, and what lessons can be drawn for its future use in support of TRP. Starting from the existing knowledge base on foresight evaluation, an evaluation framework for foresight in TRP is proposed, and tested against the foresight exercise that supported EU Russia S&T collaboration under the FP7 project ERA.Net RUS.


Evaluating foresight in transnational research programming

Karel Haegeman (European Commission, Joint Research Centre - IPTS, Seville, Spain)

Manfred Spiesberger (Centre for Social Innovation - ZSI, Vienna, Austria)

Totti Könnölä (Insight Foresight Institute - IFI, Madrid, Spain)


Technological Forecasting & Social Change 115 (2017) 313–326



Authors: Spiesberger, M., Karel Haegeman, Manfred Spiesberger, Totti Könnölä


Related Articles:

Tags: evaluation, foresight, research cooperation, Russia

Category: Zeitschriften

Publication Date: 2017

Procurement: Online (download)