Cooperation Partners Filter

Civil society organisation SAMSOE energy

Research Consultancy

Community of Sandviken

Public university institute - with special autonomy - working in the field of applied sciences

SBA Slovak Business Agency

Advertising Agency

Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu

Der Schweizerische Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung ist eine privatrechtliche Stiftung zur Forschungsförderunginitiiert wurde.

S&T Park supporting economic growth in Montenegro

to broadcast and promote scientific, technical and industrial culture to all populations

media and communications company focused on European research and innovation

Science for Change (SfC) is a SME born from the will to tackle societal challenges affecting communities using innovative solutions.

The Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia is a public organization that supports science and research.

Hellenic Association of Science Journalists, Communicators and Writers

Research institution in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Research institute under the auspicies of the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic

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total items: 1511

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