Cooperation Partners Filter

vernetzen von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus allen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen

Vesterålen regional council is an inter-municipal cooperation body and regional council.

Swedish non-profit promoting dialogue and openness between the public and researchers

viadonau is the leading international waterway operators in the Danube region

VIA University College offers a range of educational programmes in areas, such as health, social education, technology, design, business and animation.

Vienna University of Economics and Business

Durch virtuelle Treffen und Zusammenarbeit ein bundesweites Netzwerk für weiterbildungsinteressierte ältere Erwachsene schaffen

Vitafort Elso Takarmanygyarto es Forgalmazo Zartkoruen Mukodo RT

Viva Maris GmbH

Serbian cluster organisation in Information and Communication Technology

Das Auto.

Russian university

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Centre for Vocational Education and Research

Higher Education Institute in the Netherlands

World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations

Oldest University of Economics in Poland.

Water Research Institute of Slovak Republic

Web2Learn is a private company specialising in digital education and training, with emphasis on openness and social connectivity.

Spanish technology provider

WEQUA Wirtschafstentwicklungs- und Qualifizierungsgesellschaft mbH

ROPS in Poznan is a regional self-governing organization carrying regional self-government tasks in the field of social policy.

wiiw is the Austrian think tank for first-hand economic expertise on Central and East Europe, CIS and the Balkans.

providing the most promising international social platform for collaboration and sharing of open source hardware projects

Czech living lab

Internationaler Know-how Transfer

Kompetenzzentrum für Nonprofit-Organisationen und Social Entrepreneurship | NPO Competence Centre and Social Entrepreneurship

Bonn Science Shop gives special emphasis to the topics of civil society and sustainability, environment and health, as well as the labour market

Experts in Spatial Design, Event & e-Event, Incentive & Travel and Public Relations

WECF is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation and member of an international network of over 150 women‘s organisations.

WECF is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation and member of an international network of over 150 women´s, health and environmental partner organisations.

Wood K plus is a leading research institution for wood and related renewable raw materials in Europe.

World University Service (WUS) Austria is a politically independent, non-governmental organization committed to academic freedom and the right to education.

WWF's mission is to work for a future where humanity and nature can live in harmony.

Die WPZ Research GmbH unterstützt den Transfer von der Grundlagen- und angewandten Forschung in die wissenschafts- und wirtschaftspolitische Praxis

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, and Energy Research and Policy

Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services.

Professional science communicators based in Belgrium

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total items: 1511

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