Cooperation Partners


... promote public awareness of science and technology

Acronym: CVIVA

Ciência Viva, the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture, is an association of public institutions and research laboratories, created in 1996 to promote public awareness of science and technology. The Agency promotes and supports science education projects at school, placements for secondary school students in research laboratories during the holidays, the Science and Technology Week and Summer Science Activities for the general public and a national network with 20 interactive Science Centres, in collaboration with universities and local authorities. The Pavilion of Knowledge is the largest science centre in Portugal and the headquarters of the agency. Ciência Viva has extensive experience in the science/society relation, namely in mobilising and engaging the public, researchers and industry in debate aimed at promoting public awareness of science but also at promoting a two way dialogue to shape R&D agendas of the future, playing a central role in Portugal in this area. Recent examples include organising parliamentary debates on innovation issues with strong social and ethical implications, providing guidance on the design of "open days" at a variety of research institutions, science centres and schools and promoting public debates on our understanding, perception and communication of risk in close collaboration with IBMC. Regarding European projects, Ciência Viva has participated in more than 22 framework programme projects since 2002 in the area of science and society. More recently, it coordinates the MML project NERRI (negotiation phase) and participates in the MML project Sea for Society.


