
POLICY BRIEF Co-creating Responsible Research and Innovation activities: Experiences from the Western Balkan

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

WBC-RRI.NET already entailed a series of mapping exercises and co-creation procedures at regional level, taken place during the first half of the project. The participatory and systematic in-depth mapping allowed detecting key regional actors to be engaged, while the regional co-creation addressed the co-design of the regional RRI ‘anchor’ initiatives through a series of regional, participatory, and inclusive co-design workshops.

These procedures and exercises provided the consortium with new experiences, insights, and lessons learned leading to recommendations for the quadruple helix in the region addressing stakeholders in government, research and academia, the private sector and civil society, all covered in this initial policy brief.

Download the policy brief from the project website.

AutorInnen: Dall, E., Maria Michali (SEERC)


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Tags: Balkan, co-creation, RRI

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Kategorie: Projekt Outputs

Publikations Datum: 2022-08-31

Bezug: Online (download)