
Institute of Developmental Biology (Russia)

IDV RAS was founded in 1967 on the initiative of Academician Boris L. Astaurov.

Akronym: IDB RAS

The working group developing the dimension of the S&T international cooperation of the Russian Academy of Sciences on behalf of the Presidium of RAS is hosted by the Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology (IDB RAS). It is an academic institute whose research focus lies in the field of the experimental biology. It was founded in 1967 as a successor of the Institute of Experimental Biology founded by N.K.Koltzov in 1917. Nowadays, the main research of the institute is carried out on basic mechanisms and regularities of development (differentiation, growth, ageing) of biological systems at molecular, genetic, cellular, organ and organism levels; on elaborating methods and biotechnologies for rational usage and replenishment of biological resources; on developing new approaches to urgent problems of agriculture, medicine, veterinary, fishery, biotechnology, nature protection. The obtained results have been implemented into ecology, medicine, agriculture.




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