
Stimulating science-business links: lessons from the Policy Support Facility

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

Science-business links (SBL) are an important element of research and innovation (R&I) policies in EU Member States and in countries associated to the Horizon 2020 funding programme. SBL remain high on the policy agenda of several countries as they try to catch up with innovation leaders in the EU by leveraging their science base and research investment for the benefit of the national economy and society. These vital links foster knowledge transfer from research to business and facilitate research and business collaborations which make companies more competitive, leading to increased employment, and helping to address societal challenges such as clean energy and better health systems.

In this short overview paper, ZSI collaborator Manfred Spiesberger summarised findings of studies performed under the Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF), which were dealing with SBL.

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AutorInnen: Spiesberger, M.


Tags: businesses, innovation, innovation management, research and innovation policy

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Kategorie: Online

Publikations Datum: 2019

Bezug: Online (download)