New ZSI project report on usabilty methods and tool testing
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Usually people don’t notice good design as it is “serving us without drawing attention to it” (Norman 2013, xi) instead what we usually notice is if something is designed poorly. The report describes five different usability testing methods: cognitive walkthrough, heuristic evaluation, paper prototyping, system usability questionnaire and participatory design. For each method single steps as well as materials needed to successfully implement each method are provided. Three tools, developed within the 'UrbanData2Decide' project have been tested and the results from these usability tests are discussed in the report.
AutorInnen: Dobner, Susanne; Voigt, Christian and contributions from all project partners
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Kategorie: Projektberichte
Publikations Datum: 2017
Bezug: Online (download)