
RTDI Evaluation Standards

Research, Technological Development and Innovation Evaluation Standards

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

The RTDI evaluation standards have been developed within the EVAL-INNO project and are available in pdf version as well as in printed form. They are provided in 6 different languages: English, Bulgarian, Greek, Hungarian, Montenegrin and Serbian

AutorInnen: Gajdusek, M., Marinkovic, I., Schuch, K., Balázs BORSI, policy advisor, professor, external expert for the Public Foundation for the Development of Industry (IFKA) Zoya DAMIANOVA, Applied Research and Communication Fund (ARC Fund) Katharina...


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Tags: evaluation, research and innovation policy

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Kategorie: Projekt Outputs

Publikations Datum: 2012

Bezug: Online (download)