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Danube-INCO.NET Event Review

The Triple-Helix Conference with the title Supporting the development of bio-based economy partnerships in the Danube Region through a triple-helix approach organised by the Danube-INCO.NET project took...

Aktueller RIO-Länderbericht für Österreich

Trotz eines umfassenden Angebots an staatlichen Förderungen für Forschung und Entwicklung sei die Innovationsleistung der heimischen Privatwirtschaft "etwas enttäuschend", heißt es im aktuellen Länderbericht...

MEDIENECHO 20. Jul 2016
Forschung kennt keine Grenzen
Diskussion zur Internationalisierung der österreichischen Forschungseinrichtungen

Am 23. Mai diskutierten Matthias Kaiserswerth, Direktor der Hasler-Stiftung, Thomas Henzinger, Präsident des Institut for Science and Technology Austria, Sabine Herlitschka, Vorstandsvorsitzende von Infineon...

ZSI with MyAccessible.EU project in the city hall in Graz
ZSI presents findings from an accessibility mapping day to local politicans

On 30th of June ZSI presented the findings of the students mapping project (which happened on the “Day of Accessibility, June 2nd”) in Graz to a broad audience. In the beginning of the month around 25...

Recommendations and a review report on Moldova's research and innovation system presented on 12 July 2016 in Chisinau

Key policy recommendations to help modernise the science and innovation sectors of the Republic of Moldova and a related review report were presented by the European Commission and the Panel of Experts...

COST – a Programme to Support Excellence and Inclusiveness

Klaus Schuch, scientific director of ZSI, recently published under the MIRRIS project a policy brief on how COST can be approaced and employed by researchers from the so called Inclusiveness Target Countries...

IncoNet EaP activity facilitates better STI funding review procedures in competitive calls

The IncoNet EaP started in 2014 and 2015 preparations for a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) among the active research funding agencies and research commitees in the EaP countries. ZSI and the Moldavian...

eine praxisorientierte Weiterbildung für Bildungs- und BerufsberaterInnen

In den vergangen zwei Jahren wurde am ZSI im Rahmen des Projekts „Guide+“ ein Weiterbildungscurriculum für Bildungs- und BerufsberaterInnen entwickelt, das auf der Arbeit mit Fallstudien, Peer-to-Peer...

In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Women in Science | Gender Equality
Women researchers in Western Balkans | Newsletter just published

Gender inequalities in research and innovation persist; attrition continues to exist at higher levels of a scientific career.. The latest “She Figures 2015” publication shows that gender inequalities...

Tenth eNewsletter of SI-Drive
Learn more on the relevance of social innovations - project information of SI-Drive

SI-Drive has issued the tenth edition of the eNewsletter. You will find the eNewsletter here. SI-Drive is a large-scale research project funded in the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme. One ...

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