ASO-Workshop: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Concept in South East Europe
19. Mai 2005
The Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices (ASO) Ljubljana and Sofia are organising a workshop in Dubrovnik from 3 to 5 June, 2005.
With this conference the organisers want to contribute to knowledge based sustainable development in South East Europe and especially in so called Western Balkan countries. At the workshop two aspects of sustainable development of SEE countries will be pointed out specifically: the importance of the EU-accession process for implementation of the sustainable development concept in policy areas like economic policy, energy policy, environmental policies etc. of these target countries and the need to build the modernisations in above mentioned policy areas on a solid knowledge base with adequate scientific capacities and know-how derived from integration into European Research Area.
Further information:
Dunajska 104
SI 1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: 00386-(0)1-568 41 68 (
Mr. Gorazd Weiss
tel: 00386-1-5684168