
CAP4access report: Pilot City activities in the second project year!

Section: Technology and Knowledge

CAP4Access develops and pilot-tests methods and tools for engaging the OpenStreetMap community, and encouraging those unfamiliar with the platform to gather and share spatial information with the view to improving accessibility of the built environment for people with limited mobility. This document outlines the project’s conceptual relationship with OpenStreetMap, and describes the processes and outcomes of OpenStreetMap engagement as well as data collection activities. It builds on work described in earlier reports D1.1, D1.2 and D2.1, by assessing how end-user needs have been addressed through tool developments and data collection. The document also evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of current approaches taken, and contains the plans and next steps for each of the pilot cities in terms of OpenStreetMap engagement.

Authors: Dobner, S., Schrammel, M., Voigt , C., Francis,Louise; Payne, Rebecca; Haklay, Muki; Schrammel, S.; Voigt, C.; other Project partners


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Tags: accessibility, ICT, mobility, smart city, transport, urban development

Category: Projektberichte

Publication Date: 2016

Procurement: Online (download)