
‘Evaluation on Students’ and Teachers’ Acceptance of Widget- and Cloud-based Personal Learning

With a contribution of ZSI researcher Sylvana Kroop

Section: Technology and Knowledge

There is a new publication on some results of the four-years-lasted EU-project "Responsive Open Learning Environments" (ROLE: New software for Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) has been developed by exploiting Cloud Computing Technology. The software has been evaluated by students as well as teachers. Results show benefits and barriers of the new PLE technology regarding a) learning outcome and b) (cognitive, technical, time-wise) ease of the personal learning process. Findings show that a systematic cloud computing approach is preferred. It saves time and meets the needs to keep the personal environment flexible and up to date. But while users have to manage a broad range of tools and content their most essential request is to be efficiently supported by the system in regard to their individual learning needs, e.g. in the decision making process of selecting and evaluating relevant tools.

Kroop, Sylvana (12/2013):Evaluation on Students’ and Teachers’ Acceptance of Widget- and Cloud-based Personal Learning Environments.
In: Journal of Universal Computer Science. Volume 19, No. 14.
ISSN 0948-695-x,  Online edition: ISSN 0948-6968
Online available:

Authors: Kroop, S.

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Tags: technology enhanced learning

Category: Online

Publication Date: 2013

Procurement: Online (download)