
Caring for family carers

Policies, Services and Recommendations

Section: Technology and Knowledge

Caring for family carers. Policies, Services and Recommendations

This report was carried out within the LLL / Transfer of Innovation project: Transf DependenTIC (Project No. 2008 – 1- ES1-LE005-03191) as Work Package 2. The Project aimed at supporting informal carers of dependent persons through training and certification of knowledge, competencies and skills. The project transfers the tools from the DependenTIC project (which have been successfully implemented in 23 municipalities in Aranjuez-District in Spain) to Portugal, Italy and Austria.

Project duration: 04/2009 - 05/2010
Project Coordinator: ARACOVE, Spain
Project No. 2008-1-ES1-LEO05-03191, WP2

Authors: Maria Schwarz-Wölzl


Tags: ageing society, welfare

Category: Projektberichte

Publication Date: 2009-12

Procurement: Online (download)