Cooperation Partners

National Commission for Science and Technology Malawi (Malawi)

NCST is a government central organisation with a mandate to promote, support, co-ordinate and regulate research

Acronym: NCST

NCST is a government central organisation with a mandate to promote, support, co-ordinate and regulate research, the development and application of science and technology matters in Malawi. The NCST is established by the Science and Technology Act No.16 of 2003 with the principal function to advise the Government and other stakeholders on all science and technology matters in order to achieve a science and technology led development. The role of NCST is, thus, one of coordination and provision of advice. The NCST is governed by a Board of fifteen Commissioners appointed according to this Act. The nine appointed individual members of the Board are in themselves eminent scientists. In addition, there are six Permanent Secretaries representing key ministries relevant to issues of science and technology who are ex-officio members. The NCST is responsible to the Office of the President and Cabinet through the Department of Statutory Corporation on matters of Stewardship and Governance and to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology on technical and policy matters. The Secretariat of the NCST is headed by the Director General as its Chief Executive who is appointed according to this Act. The Secretariat is responsible for implementing the programmes of the Commission. The NCST has the following key departments/directorates: Department of Research and Technology Transfer (with key divisions responsible for Health, Social Sciences and Humanities; Agriculture and Natural Sciences; Engineering, Design and Energy; and Technology Transfer);Department of Information Services(with sections responsible for documentation services; library services; information, education and communication services); Department of Planning Services with sections responsible for planning, monitoring and evaluation services; and the Department of Finance and Administration. The mandate and functions of the NCST are discharged through its subject specialist functional committees established under this Act.


