
Review: EU-India STI Cooperation Days in Paris

5. Nov. 2013

Affordable Health Twinning of research and Innovation communities

On 10th-11th October 2013, the fourth edition of the EU-India STI Cooperation Days was held in Paris. The event was jointly organised by New INDIGO, EBTC and the European Commission and brought together 150 stakeholders from the business and research communities with focus on the issue of“Affordable Health”.

With a high attendance rate from the Indian side and more than 17 European countries represented, the event mobilised the research and business communities from both regions and was a tremendous opportunity for partnering.

The conference aimed at networking existing projects, triggering new collaborations and facilitating technology transfers by pooling resources and professional expertise. Following the first meeting of the Group of Senior Officials (GSO) in Brussels on 8th October 2013, the event was also an opportunity to present the first draft of the Strategic Agenda for Research and Innovation (SIRA), a joint EU-India Agenda rehearsing research priorities.

The two day program offered the participants a wide variety of sessions allowing lively discussions and interactions between policy-makers, researchers and stakeholders from the business community. Discussions focused mainly on the innovation gaps, which need to be addressed to bring new services and products to the market, as well as on the success factors for EU-India collaboration.

The event was also an opportunity to reflect on a decade of EU-India cooperation since the signing of the EU-India S&T Agreement in 2001. In this context, New INDIGO was highlighted by several participants as a successful model of “EU-MS-India partnership at work” based on “mutual trust and parity”.

On the second day of the conference, the attendees were given the possibility to participate in the Networking Café, an excellent chance to talk to new partners in face-to-face meetings. With more than 50 participants and 135 face-to-face meetings the Networking Café can be seen as a great success.

The scientific conference also showcased examples of EU-India collaboration in the field of Health. Thereby it offered a good state of play of existing cooperation, whether within bilateral or multilateral schemes, like FP7 and New INDIGO funded projects.

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