
Highlighting social innovation: October 9 - 13, 2006

29. May. 2006

Focus on social innovation

The Centre for Social innovation initiates together with "SozialMarie" (Award for innovative social projects) a week of activities to promote social innovation. Whereas usually "innovation" is considered a concept pre-dominantly attached to technological and industrial processes, in this week attention shall be focused on innovation in societal processes.

However, neither the "week" nor the location "Vienna" shall restrict documentation and networking of activities. As a matter of fact we want to offer the label "Social innovation in the focus" to other organisations that plan or run conferences or projects even if these activities are not taking place in Vienna (or Austria) and are not events scheduled for the particular week in October.

Partnering and information will be sought in a pro-active way to establish a "calendar" of social innovations" as well as a sort of "map" indicating social innovations in a variety of regions.

Venues and exact programmes do be announced and updated from early June onwards.
