
Promoting local economic development through multi-level partnership arrangements in Europe

Partnership arrangements in Europe

Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit

The article provides an overview of how Local Economic Development (LED) is promoted through partnership in Europe. Endorsed by European Union Structural Funds as well as other agencies and support structures, partnership is viewed as an important vehicle for addressing unemployment and social exclusion, promoting social innovation and improving governance. Within this context, emphasis is placed upon the integration of LED within regional and national partnership strategies, which are illustrated by the different multi-level arrangements in place in Austria, Ireland, Germany and Sweden. Although diverse in nature, several common issues can be identified across these models that enhance LED: active engagement of local stakeholders, use of an intermediary to assist relationship-building, balancing accountability with flexibility and review and exchange of learning from the experience of working collaboratively.

AutorInnen: Scoppetta, A., Stott, Leda


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Tags: governance

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Kategorie: Zeitschriften

Publikations Datum: 2013-05-30

Bezug: Online (download)