Social Innovation: The Concept and its Potential
Bereich: Management & projektübergreifende Tätigkeiten
25 April 2012
25.04.2012 - 26.04.2012 | Kiev, Ukraine
5th Policy Stakeholders' Conference: 'EU-EECA cooperation in the innovation sector: Bi-regional responses to major societal and economic challenges'
This event was the 5th in a series of Policy Stakeholders' Conferences that have been successfully organised in Athens, in Moscow, in Astana and in Warsaw to review the state of cooperation and to provide a forum for exchange of good practices in the innovation domain as well. In the specific context of bi-regional S&T cooperation partnerships for addressing global societal and economic challenges, the role of innovation has, until recently, received relatively little attention. The 5th PSC aimed to change this.
AutorInnen: Hochgerner (external Senior Advisor), J.
Kategorie: Vorträge
Publikations Datum: 2012
Bezug: Online (download)