
India-EU and Member States Partnership

19. Nov 2010

EU-India Partnership in S&T

On 12 November 2010, India, the European Union and the Chairman of the EU/Member States Strategic Forum for International S&T Cooperation (SFIC) signed a joint statement for a 'Partnership for a Strategic Roadmap in Research and Innovation' between the EU and its Member States on one hand and India on the other.

The statement was based on the preparations and outcomes of a respective joint conference held in New Dehli on 11 and 12 November this year.

ZSI was pleased to contribute to this success in two ways:

  • by contributing to the NEW INDIGO project which was perceived as an an important coordination tool
    for the partnership approach
  • through chairing the third of three structural session by ZSI's research manager Klaus Schuch.

The statement can be downloaded here.


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