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PLOTINA Final Conference

PLOTINA Final Conference Book of Abstracts e-book This E-book is a result of the H2020 PLOTINA project Final Conference, ReGendering Science. For an inclusive research environment, held in the ...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#9)

by Klaus Schuch It is true: the virus can just hit us all - the youth in the Moria refugee camp as well as the Prime Minister on Downing Street, but the crisis triggered by the virus is by no means...

New publication of the H2020 Policy Support Facility with ZSI expert Bruno Lindorfer

The Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF) is an instrument aimed at supporting Member States and countries associated to Horizon 2020 to improve the design, implementation and evaluation of their...

Towards improving the social impact investment market in the Danube region
The Interreg-project Finance4SocialChange is co-financed by European funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI).

Vienna  – The ongoing EU-funded Interreg project “Finance for Social Change” (F4SC) reveals new insights into the social impact investment market of the Danube region. Project member Helmut Gassler...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#8)

by Christian Voigt  These days, the old saying ‘Cobbler, stick to your last!’, applies less and less.  Many people are forced to abandon their usual ‘models of work’ and try out new ways ...

International R&I cooperation policies revisited: sustained challenges and new developments

The Final Report of the Mutual Learning Exercise on ‘National Strategies and Roadmaps for International Cooperation in R&I’ summarises findings from the workshops, discussions and thematic input papers...

Das DOIT Projekt ruft zu einer Online-Petition zur Förderung einer sozialen und unternehmerischen Jugend auf

Ein engagierterer und praxisorientierterer Ansatz ist erforderlich, um junge Lernende mit der Denkweise und den Fähigkeiten auszustatten, die innovative Bürger benötigen. Wir empfehlen: die Förderung ...

ZSI becomes member of the European Creative Business Network (ECBN)
Social innovation for cultural and creative industries

The European Creative Business Network (ECBN) works – on purposes indirectly and decentralized – by supporting leading agencies, funders and intermediaries on local, regional and/or national level...

Covid-19 Careables: made by U for U near U
our careables project is supporting the fight against COVID-19

careables is a mixed community of people and organisations committed to the co-design and making of open, personalised healthcare for everyone, born from the EU-funded collaborative H2020 project MADE4YOU...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#7)

by Klaus Schuch The Austrian shutdown regulations are a massive intervention in our freedom rights. We are just allowed to leave our homes for work, buying basic articles, physical outdoor exercise...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#6)

by Elke Dall and Klaus Schuch While revisiting the intial risk analysis for research projects is sometimes more a "compulsory exercise" that needs to be done during the interim and final reporting ...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#5)

by Ursula Holtgrewe In the Covid-19 pandemic, it seems that current valuations of various types of work are being rearranged. For service work in particular, some well-known conundrums come into sharp...

Science Diplomacy and COVID-19 - an international debate
S4D4C's perspective on the current crisis

The S4D4C project supports current and future European science diplomacy for the benefit of European capacities, EU foreign policy goals and especially the development of solutions for global challenges...

Open Access: An opportunity for Malta
New publication of the H2020 Policy Support Facility with ZSI expert Daniel Spichtinger

“Open Access: an opportunity for Malta” - Recommendations for the Development of a National Policy for Open Access to publications, research data and related issues for Malta is a report which was carried...

EU-Citizen.Science platform
Die neue Plattform für Citizen Science in Europa ist online!

Für alle, die sich über Citizen Science in Europa informieren wollen, Projekte erkunden oder auch eigene Inhalte zum Thema zur Verfügung stellen wollen, gibt es jetzt die neue EU-Citizen.Science Plattform...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#4)

by Ursula Holtgrewe and Klaus Schuch The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has triggered a comprehensive real experiment in the Austrian school system as in other countries: In an unevenly digitised learning landscape...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#3)

by Klaus Schuch Biosecurity issues such as pandemic virus outbreaks have been clearly underestimated in the past in comparison to other security issues. The crisis has shown that the interplay between...

Gastkommentar in der WIENER ZEITUNG: Corona-Stresstest am Balkan
Die Krise belastet auch die Nachbarschaftspolitik der EU - zugunsten Chinas

Philipp Brugner aus der Abteilung Forschungspolitik und Entwicklung kommentiert in der WIENER ZEITUNG das Krisenmanagement der Europäischen Union im Kampf gegen das neuartige Corona-Virus und argumentiert...

Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#2)

by Klaus Schuch The Covid-19-quarantine forces (almost) everyone who works in the office area, or - as we do - in the knowledge-generating and knowledge-processing industries, to work from home and...

23. Mär 2020
Social action counts!
Lessons (to be) learnt from living with Covid-19 (#1)

by Klaus Schuch The Covid-19 crisis remarkably demonstrates that social action and cooperation counts to mitigate the risk of the virus. Worldwide, we are managing the containment of the virus by comprehensive...

Comprehensive Review on a book by ilse Marschalek

In her publication, ilse Marschalek investigated the roles that 'Public Participation Practitioners' play in the attempt to transform the relationship between science and society though the adoption of...

„It is becoming increasingly important for people to develop the right skills..."

Update: We are very sorry to inform you that we have to postpone the upcoming conference "MAKING SOCIAL INNOVATORS" in Salzburg, Austria. Please subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on...

Öffentliche Konsultation zum Entwurf der Empfehlungen der OANA Arbeitsgruppe

Die Arbeitsgruppe Open Science Strategie des Open Science Network Austria (OANA) hat Empfehlungen für eine nationale Open Science Strategie in Österreich erarbeitet und lädt ein, das Dokument bis zum...

The final report of the project was presented on January 24 and is open for comments until April 19th, 2020.

In order to be able to support the development of digital humanities in Austria in the best possible way, it is important to describe the situation from the perspective of everyday research. For a study...

27. Feb 2020
Interreg Central Europe Project CERUSI started with a Kick-Off Meeting in Vienna

On February 20th and 21st ZSI organised a Kick-Off Meeting for the Interreg CE Project CERUSI. Nine project partners from various Central European countries (Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, ...

ZSI-Projektleiterin Barbara Glinsner in aktueller Ö1-Sendung

Das Ö1 Wirtschaftsmagazin Saldo beleuchtet Widersprüche rund um soziale Unternehmen. Barbara Glinsner vom ZSI spricht u.a. zum Verhältnis zwischen sozialen Unternehmen und Sozialstaat. Hier gibt es...

Building a strategy for an age friendly Alpine space
On the 21th of January the first international policy meeting of TAAFE took place

On the 21th of January municipality members, researchers, NGO-activists and older citizens from Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Germany and Slovenia met for the first international policy meeting...

EU-Forschungsförderung in Gefahr: ein Weckruf!
Policy brief von Daniel Spichtinger für die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik

Folgende Handlungsempfehlungen hat Daniel Spichtinger in seinem Policy Brief für die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik distilliert: Möchte die EU mit der Entwicklung in anderen Weltregionen...

31. Jan 2020
Goodbye and Hello!
Goodbye and Hello!
UK still with us - in social sciences and as friends

EU, Latin America and the Caribbean – bringing regions together
The EULAC-Focus project was officially wrapped up last week in Brussels.

After three and a half years of intense work, the EULAC-Focus project finally came to an end last week in Brussels, as representatives of the project met with the project officer as well as external evaluators...

23. Jan 2020
Kick-off PRO-Ethics
Kick-off PRO-Ethics
SwafS Project PRO-Ethics started with a Kick-off Meeting in Vienna

On January 20th and 21st ZSI organised PRO-Ethics´  kick-off meeting. Eight innovation funding organisations as well as seven expert organisations and the Project Officer came together to plan and...

CHERRIES project successfully launched with Kick-off meeting in Vienna
The CHERRIES project partners met each other for the first time and discussed their contributions.

On the 16th and 17th of January 2020, the CHERRIES project (Constructing Healthcare Environments through Responsible Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategies),  funded by the EU Horizon...

23. Jan 2020
Was sind careables?
ein Einblick in unsere Projektwelt

unsere careables Partner aus Berlin haben im Rahmen des Bildungsprogramms HACKademy die Entwicklung personalisierter Hilfsmittel unterstützt. "Bessere Ideen von Hobbyentwicklern, als das was man ...

Kick-off of H2020 project CoAct
From 15 to 16 January ZSI was in Barcelona for the project kick-off of CoAct.

The project CoAct's focus is on developing a theoretical and methodological framework of Citizen Social Science. The Horizon 2020 project CoAct is concerned with developing the theoretical and methodological...

ZSI successful in experimental call launched by Interreg Central Europe
9 projects funded under last Central Europe call!

The last Interreg Central Europe call was experimental. It aimed to take forward already existing project results in transnational partnerships that go beyond the Interreg community. In pre-defined subject...

Gründungsunterstützung für junge MigrantInnen und Migranten
Melden Sie sich jetzt an!

Ab Februar 2020 bietet das EU-geförderte Projekt „YMCB – Young migrants capacity building“ ein kostenloses sechsmonatiges Schulungs- und Mentoringprogramm für junge UnternehmerInnen mit Migrationshintergrund...

30. Dez 2019
On "impact"
Speech by Klaus Schuch on the occassion of the social innovation impact prize award ceremony 2019

Impact is a word which you hear everywhere. Impact, however, is not a buzzword, it is not a voguish bubble; it is a real concern. We're talking about the negative impact of climate change and the positive...

Training of Ukrainian Neuroscientists at ZSI
In the context of the NEUROTWIN project, the team of the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology was in Vienna

The Horizon 2020 funded NEUROTWIN project ("Supporting the re-establishment of the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology (BIPH) as an international centre for excellence in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience...

Study visit of Turkish researchers hosted by ZSI
Representatives of ZSI met with a delegation of researchers from Turkey to foster their participation in H2020.

In the framework of the Turkey in H2020 project, ZSI hosted an International Study visits of Turkish researchers. The aim of this visit was to help Turkish organisations network with representatives of...

International Conference “ReGendering Science. For an inclusive research environment”

The international Conference “ReGendering Science. For an inclusive research environment” will be hosted by the University of Bologna on the 27th and 28th of January 2020. You can submit your paper...

Atlas of Social Innovation - the story goes on
Articles ready for download and new entries are welcomed!

The “Atlas of Social Innovation” series offers a comprehensive overview of the world of Social Innovation in a lucid way. It is featuring the perspectives of leading experts from research and practice...

ZSI-koordiniertes Projekt in Die Presse
“Diplomaten für die Wissenschaft”: Konferenzbericht und Interview

Am 30. November 2019 erschien ein Artikel in der österreichischen Presse zum Thema Wissenschaftsdiplomatie: Das ZSI-koordinierte Projekt S4D4C ( und das Institut IIASA waren im Fokus des ...

Café Europa: Unsere Nachbarn im Osten
"10 Jahre Östliche Partnerschaft der EU" am 9. Dezember 2019 um 17:30 Uhr in der Landesbibliothek Steiermark

Das Land Steiermark, Referat für Europa und Außenbeziehungen, veranstaltet ein Café Europa anlässlich des zehnjährigen Jubiläums der Östlichen Partnerschaft der EU. Unter der Moderation von Günter Encic...

Informationsveranstaltung zur Gründungsunterstützung für junge Migrant_innen
Erfahren Sie mehr über das Angebot des Projektes YMCB

Sie sind zwischen 18 und etwa 35 Jahre alt, stammen aus einem Drittland und möchten in Österreich ein Unternehmen gründen? Sie haben Kontakt mit jungen MigrantInnen, die Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt in...

MEDIENECHO 20. Nov 2019
Wissenschaftsdiplomatie in den Medien
Wissenschaftsdiplomatie in den Medien
Der Standard berichtet über das vom ZSI koordinierte Projekt "S4D4C"

Wissenschaft und Diplomatie sind zwei getrennte Welten. Wie sie einander bei Epidemien positiv beeinflussen und zu mehr Vertrauen in Fakten beitragen können, untersucht das im Rahmen von Horizon 2020 ...

Research and Innovation development in Kosovo
Status quo of Research and Innovation development in Kosovo: Thoughts for Kosovo’s future R&I

On 15th of November 2019, the HERAS project, funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation, organised a Roundtable & Workshop with the topic “Status quo of Research and Innovation development in ...

19. Nov 2019
Presentations online!
Presentations online!
5th Global Research Conference: Social Innovation and Socio-Digital Transformation

With more than 200 attendees from research and practice, many interesting discussions and promising new contacts, our 5th Global Research Conference on Social Innovation and Socio-Digital Transformation...

ZSI unterstützt Protest gegen die ÖNB
Offener Brief gegen die Einschränkung der Förderung des Jubiläumsfonds der ÖNB

In meiner Eigenschaft als wissenschaftlicher Leiter des ZSI unterstütze ich die Protestnote des Verbands der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs gegen die Einschränkung, dass aus Mitteln des...

Eindrücke und Nachlese: SDG Impact Camp
Aktion zu Nachhaltigen Konsum- und Produktionsmuster, Klimaschutz und Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der SDGs

Im Rahmen des Interreg Central Europe-Projekts Social(i)makers, lud das Zentrum für Soziale Innovation - ZSI am 17. Oktober 2019, gemeinsam mit arbeit plus und SDG Watch Austria zum Social(i)makers SDG...

And the winner is ... Austria
EUSIC Impact Prize goes to MTOP. Klaus Schuch (ZSI) gives a laudation speech in Brussels.

On 24 October 2019, the European Commission announced the winners of the 2019 European Social Innovation Competition. Under this year's theme, “Challenging Plastic Waste”, three private sector projects...

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