Projects Filter
Europäische Bürgerkonferenzen 2009
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Program: Europäische Kommission, "Debate Europe"
Start/End: 10/2008 - 08/2009

European Citizens´Consultation

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 05/2008 - 06/2009

SIMI - Soziale Innovationen eines Mittelbetriebs in der Industrie

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 04/2009 - 05/2009

Study in the framwork of EUROPE NOW

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Program: Sixth Framework Programme (SSA)
Start/End: 01/2007 - 04/2009

Analysing and supporting EU-LAC cooperation in S&T

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 12/2007 - 04/2009

Befragung der SprachkursleitererInnen an Volkshochschulen in Österreich

Ressourcen im Risiko:dialog
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Start/End: 10/2008 - 04/2009

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Networks
Program: eLearning
Start/End: 01/2007 - 03/2009


Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Research
Program: Study for EC DG Information Society and Media
Start/End: 03/2007 - 03/2009

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 01/2008 - 03/2009

Comprehensive Sectoral Analysis of Emerging Competences in the European Union

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Start/End: 01/2008 - 02/2009

Evaluation of the CEEPUS mobility programme

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Networks
Program: 6th Framework Programme, IST/SSA - Area 2.6.5 "International Co-operation"
Start/End: 02/2007 - 01/2009

Supporting ICT cooperation with South East Europe

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Education
Program: 6th FP, STREP
Start/End: 10/2005 - 12/2008

iCamp - innovative, inclusive, interactive & intercultural learning campus

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Policy Advice
Program: ESF CoNet
Start/End: 10/2008 - 12/2008

exchange, mutual learning and common projects.

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 10/2008 - 12/2008

Haushaltsstruktur und sozialer Infrastrukturbedarf von Neubaugebieten

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Research
Program: FP6 - Science and Society
Start/End: 11/2006 - 10/2008

Female participation in scientific and technological careers

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 04/2008 - 10/2008

UEFA-Euro 2008: Information und Kommunikation im Führungsprozess der Polizei

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 02/2008 - 08/2008

Integration messbar machen

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Education
Program: Leonardo da Vinci
Start/End: 08/2006 - 07/2008

Supporting Employers in Recruiting and Selecting Mature Aged Persons

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Networks
Start/End: 09/2007 - 06/2008

"Forschungsdialog" - an initiative of the Austrian research ministry

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Start/End: 03/2008 - 06/2008

Regional Employment Partnerships in the Czech Republic Information Office
Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Program: FP6-2002-INCO-COMulitlatRTD/SSA-5
Start/End: 05/2006 - 04/2008

Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Start/End: 09/2007 - 04/2008

Active Ageing und TEPs - vertiefte, regionale Handlungsoptionen

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Start/End: 03/2008 - 04/2008

Analysis of R&D cooperation with Russia

Koordinationsstelle des Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices Brno
Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Networks
Start/End: 09/2004 - 03/2008

"ASO" in the Czech Republic

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Research
Program: Fabrik der Zukunft
Start/End: 01/2006 - 03/2008

Open Innovation

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Networks
Program: eLearning
Start/End: 01/2007 - 03/2008


Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Program: OECD / LEED Programm
Start/End: 11/2007 - 03/2008


Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Start/End: 12/2007 - 03/2008

Evaluation of the "Combating Marginalization and Poverty through Industrial Development (COMPID)" programme

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Start/End: 06/2007 - 02/2008

Tag der Netzwerke| 31-01-2008|

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 08/2007 - 02/2008

Erhebung der Bildungsnähe der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer an Deutschkursen

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Start/End: 08/2007 - 01/2008

Evaluation in the Russian Federation

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 09/2007 - 01/2008

Analysis of cases of social innovations in 24 Austrian companies

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Networks
Program: 6. Rahmenprogramm
Start/End: 01/2004 - 12/2007


Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Program: Regions of Knowledge (FP6)
Start/End: 01/2006 - 12/2007

Good practice exchange on regional innovation policy

Extending Information Society Networks to the Western Balkan Region
Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Networks
Program: 6th Framework Programme, IST Priority
Start/End: 05/2005 - 10/2007

Supporting ICT research in the Western Balkans

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Program: NODE
Start/End: 09/2006 - 10/2007

Civic Participation and Representation of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the EU

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 08/2007 - 10/2007

Integrationsmonitoring Wien

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Start/End: 03/2007 - 09/2007

Coordination Unit of the Territorial Employment Pacts (TEPs) in Austria

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Networks
Program: 6th Framework Programme, Science and Society (SSA, Specific Support Action)
Start/End: 06/2005 - 08/2007

PARCEL - Participatory Communication Activities on e-Learning

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Research
Program: Leonardo da Vinci
Start/End: 10/2004 - 07/2007

CETRA - Complexity Education for Trainers

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Networks
Program: 6th Framework Programme, ETI (DG Research)
Start/End: 07/2005 - 06/2007

Specific Support Action for SMEs in Information and Communication Technologies

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Program: EQUAL
Start/End: 07/2005 - 06/2007


Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Program: Jugend Innovativ
Start/End: 12/2006 - 06/2007

Jugend Innovativ

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Start/End: 05/2007 - 06/2007

Research on higher education, R&D in the Western Balkans

ECC - European Citizens' Consultations
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Program: European Commission, Action Plan for better communication between the EC and Europe
Start/End: 10/2006 - 05/2007


Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Program: OECD / LEED Programm
Start/End: 05/2006 - 04/2007

OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Research
Start/End: 10/2004 - 03/2007

Lokale Agenda

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Policy Advice
Program: TACIS Policy Advice Project
Start/End: 06/2006 - 03/2007

eGovernment in Russia

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Start/End: 08/2006 - 03/2007

Expertise in education and development cooperation

Koordinationsstelle der Territorialen Beschäftigungspakte (TEPs) in Österreich (2004-2006)
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Networks
Program: Ziel 3 Programm Österreich / Schwerpunkt 6 (Europäischer Sozialfonds / ESF, 2000-2006)
Start/End: 01/2004 - 02/2007

Coordination Unit of the Territorial Employment Pacts (TEPs) in Austria

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 695

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