Type: Research
Start/End: 12/1997 - 04/1998
The study was carried out as a pan-European assessment of the deployment of telework among Europe`s bureaucracies. On the one hand, a traditional understanding of hierarchies, centralized information ...
Type: Research
Program: FP 7
Start/End: 10/2010 - 03/2013
Type: Education
Program: eTEN
Start/End: 06/2002 - 02/2004
The TEN-A project was a cooperation of several leading educational institutions and technology companies throughout Europe, funded by the European Community

Type: Networks
Program: EQUAL
Start/End: 07/2005 - 06/2007

Type: Networks
Program: H2020
Start/End: 01/2019 - 12/2021
The European community platform and mutual learning space for Citizen Science

Type: Research
Program: Foresight on Demand / Horizon Europe
Start/End: 03/2023 - 12/2023
European R&I foresight and public engagement
Type: Research
Program: ASEF - FES
Start/End: 06/2013 - 03/2014
Ensuring Migrant Workers’ Rights to Protect All Workers
Type: Networks
Program: Intergovernmental S&T-Programme between the Russian Federation and Austria
Start/End: 01/2004 - 12/2005
Bilateral project with Russia
Type: Research
Start/End: 05/2007 - 06/2007
Research on higher education, R&D in the Western Balkans

Type: Research
Program: Horizon 2020
Start/End: 01/2021 - 12/2023
TIME4CS supports the implementation of sustainable institutional changes in Research Performing Organizations (RPOs) to promote Public Engagement in science and technology.