Projects Filter
Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Networks
Program: FP7 - Capacities - International Cooperation
Start/End: 09/2008 - 02/2012

Enhancing the Bilateral S&T Partnership with Ukraine

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Networks
Program: European Commission, FP7, Capacities, International Cooperation
Start/End: 09/2012 - 06/2015

Enhancing the Bilateral S&T Partnership with Ukraine

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Program: Forschungsschwerpunkt
Start/End: 07/1999 - 02/2001

Bilder der Arbeit in der Informationsgesellschaft

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 09/2011 - 10/2011

Bildungshintergrund von MigrantInnen in Tirol

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 08/2007 - 02/2008

Erhebung der Bildungsnähe der Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer an Deutschkursen

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Policy Advice
Program: Ostzusammenarbeit
Start/End: 08/2003 - 06/2004

Support for Austrian cooperation with the East

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Policy Advice
Program: Ostzusammenarbeit
Start/End: 08/2003 - 06/2004

Support for Austrian cooperation with the East

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Policy Advice
Program: Ostzusammenarbeit
Start/End: 08/2003 - 06/2004

Support for Austrian cooperation with the East

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Program: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Frauen
Start/End: 03/2016 - 12/2016

Ermöglichung des Zugangs zur Berufsreifeprüfung und damit zu höherer Bildung

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Policy Advice
Start/End: 04/2016 - 02/2017

Auf dem Weg zur Bioökonomie-FTI-Strategie

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 640

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