Projects Filter
Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Start/End: 08/1999 - 02/2001

Comparative Study AT/CZ/SK/HU/HR/SI

Innovative patient-centred approach for social care provision to complex conditions
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Program: EaSI Programme, DG empl
Start/End: 10/2015 - 09/2018

INNOV-Care proposed and tested an innovative care pathway for the social inclusion of marginalised groups (affected by rare diseases) and suggested up-scaling roadmaps.

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Education
Program: EG - 3. RP, COMETT II
Start/End: 01/1993 - 12/1994

Projekt im 3. EU-Forschungsrahmenprogramm zu Technologietransfer

Section: Technology and Knowledge
Type: Policy Advice
Start/End: 01/1995 - 07/1995

Beratung und Vorschläge zur Teilnahme am EU-Programm LEONARDO DA VINCI; Ausarbeitung eines kompletten Antrags für ein Pilotprojekt an die Kommission, einschließlich des Aufbaus eines internationalen Partner...

Section: Research Policy & Development
Type: Research
Program: INTAS
Start/End: 02/2004 - 09/2004

Evaluation of the International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the independent states of the former Soviet Union

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 07/2021 - 04/2022

Analyse des „Status Quo der Integrationslandschaft“ in Graz

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 02/2008 - 08/2008

Integration messbar machen

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Program: Nationale Integrationsförderung (BMEIA) und weitere Auftraggeber
Start/End: 01/2016 - 09/2017

quantitative Befragung von Flüchtlingen und subsidiär Schutzberechtigten

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 08/2007 - 10/2007

Integrationsmonitoring Wien

Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Type: Research
Start/End: 10/2009 - 11/2009

Integrationsmonitoring Wien: Integration messbar machen (Fortsetzung)

Items per Page: 10, 20, 50

total items: 640

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