DI Martin Felix Gajdusek
Section: Research Policy & Development
Function: Projektleitung
- Phone: ++43-1-495 04 42 / 67
- Fax: ++43-1-495 04 42 / 40
- Email: gajdusek@zsi.at
- Monitoring and evaluation in joint calls of “horizontal-INCO” ERA NETs and ERA-NET PLUS Actions (2014)
- Developing RTDI Evaluation Culture in Southeast Europe (2014) (Primary Author)
- RTDI Evaluation in South East Europe – Reflections based on experiences of EVAL-INNO (2014)
- Commericalization of Research Results / Research & Industry Cooperation (2014)
- R&D and Innovation in Western Balkans. Moving towards 2020 (2014)
- RTDI Evaluation Standards – Research, Technological Development and Innovation Evaluation Standards (2012)
- Analytical paper on the use of Lifelong Learning Programmes (2012)
- RTDI Evaluation Standards (2012)
- Global Environmental Change: Challenges to Science and Society in Southeastern Europe (2010)
- Innovation and Research in Bulgaria (2007)
- Science Policy and Human Resources Development ... (2006)
Work and research focus:
Coordination of projects including scientific, partnership and financial management. Since working at ZSI I have been coordinating projects supported by FP7, Horizon 2020, Southeast- Europe and Danube Transnational Cooperation programme. In all cases my work is supported by a team of colleagues at ZSI. In addition I have been contributing to a wider number of projects and covering a broad variety of topics. Finally I have been also publishing co-developed works including strategies and roadmaps. I am also involved in reporting processes and the assessment of deliverables, sometimes also doing evaluations for calls addressing bilateral cooperation. Research interest include RTD policy delivery processes and evaluation, governance arrangements for conducting research at universities, managment of research infrastructure, international STI cooperation in all its variations.
Running and completed projects:
- iNNO SED - iNNOvative SEDiment management in the Danube River Basin (2024, project leader)
- SHER - Sustainable Higher Education and Research in Kosovo (2024)
- DANUBE4all - Restoration of the Danube river basin waters for ecosystems and people from mountains to coast (2023, project leader)
- GSF-09-EaP - Support to the EU-Eastern Partnership (EaP) research and innovation cooperation (2022)
- ACCTING - AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal (2022, project leader)
- WBC-RRI.NET - Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems (2021)
- HERAS PLUS - Higher Education, Research and Applied Science in Kosovo (2020)
- QAINT - Quality, Accountability, Integrity and Transparency in Higher Education (2019, project leader)
- Support to participation in EU programmes - Serbia (2019, project leader)
- Finance4SocialChange - Leveraging Finance 4 positive Social Change (2018, project leader)
- ResInfra@DR - Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructures in Danube Region (2017, project leader)
- PSF - Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (2015)
- BLACK SEA HORIZON (2015, project leader)
- RRI tools - Responsible Research and Innovation Tools (RRI TOOLS) (2014)
- Danube-INCO.NET (2014)
- STI International Cooperation Network for Central Asian Countries-IncoNet CA (2013, project leader)
- IncoNet EaP (2013)
- MIRRIS-Mobilising Institutional Reforms in Research and Innovation Systems (2013)
- DANube macroregion: Capacity building and Excellence in River Systems (basin, delta and sea) (DANCERS) (2013, project leader)
- WBCInno (2012)
- EVAL-INNO: Evaluation in RTDI in SEE (2011, project leader)
- IncoNet CA/SC: S&T International Cooperation Network (2010, project leader)
- Evaluation of the project CIVISTI "Citizen visions on science, technology and innovation" (2009)
- SEE-ERA.NET PLUS (2009, project leader)
- weReurope (2008)
- IncoNet EECA - S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asia (2008, project leader)
- Koordinationsstelle der 'Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices' in Sofia und Ljubljana (ASO Sofia und ASO Ljubljana) (2004)
Participation at events:
Conference on Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities for a European Research Agenda
- Vienna
28. 11. 2018 - 29. 11. 2018 -
Danube Region Synergy Workshop: Research - Innovation - Knowledge Society
- Tech Gate, Donau-City-Straße 1, A- 1220, Wien
30. 03. 2017 - 30. 03. 2017 -
Smart Specialisation events by Danube-INCO.NET at Open Evaluation 2016
25. 11. 2016 - 25. 11. 2016 -
IncoNet EaP Winter School "Energy Efficiency" - International Project Management - from Theory to Practice
- Vienna/Austria
21. 11. 2016 - 25. 11. 2016 -
Better exploiting European funds for Research and Innovation
- Representation of the “Lazio Region in Brussels” Rond Point Schuman, 14, Brussels, Belgium
26. 05. 2016 - 26. 05. 2016 -
Policy Stakeholders´ Conference 'EU-Eastern Partnership STI Cooperation in Addressing Health Research and Innovation'
- Danubius Hotel Gellért
19. 04. 2016 - 20. 04. 2016 -
Smart Specialisation Design Learning Workshop for non-EU countries
- Chisinau (Moldova)
18. 02. 2016 - 19. 02. 2016 -
WBCInno - 7th Steering Committee Meeting to be held at ZSI premises
- Vienna
08. 02. 2016 - 09. 02. 2016 -
Paving the way for joint actions in the Danube Region: 2nd Stakeholders Workshop of Danube-INCO.NET
- Ulm, Germany
30. 10. 2015 - 30. 10. 2015 -
The way forward in aligning transnational R&I funding and activities in the Danube Region
- Ulm
30. 10. 2015 - 30. 10. 2015 -
BLACK SEA HORIZON - kick off Meeting
- Bucharest, Romania
04. 03. 2015 - 04. 03. 2015 -
Seminar on Research and Innovation Policy (for Eastern Partnership countries)
- Vienna
16. 02. 2015 - 20. 02. 2015 -
Seminar on Research and Innovation Policy (for Central Asian Countries)
- Vienna
09. 02. 2015 - 14. 02. 2015 -
EVAL-INNO Abschlusskonferenz in Wien am 25.-26. März 2014
- Freyung 3, 1010 Wien
25. 03. 2014 - 26. 03. 2014 -
15th Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries
- Zagreb, Croatia
11. 12. 2013 - 12. 12. 2013 -
RTDI evaluation training in Podgorica, Montenegro
- Podgorica
17. 06. 2013 - 21. 06. 2013 -
RTDI evaluation training in Budapest
- Budapest
19. 04. 2013 -
RTDI evaluation training in Sofia
- Sofia
18. 03. 2013 - 22. 03. 2013 -
Veranstaltungsserie zur Kooperation...
- Ohrid (Mazedonien)
21. 05. 2011 -
Westbalkan Science Day: Vernetzung zwischen ForscherInnen
- Palais Eschenbach, Eschenbachgasse 11, 1010 Wien
22. 06. 2009
Education and career:
Short CV:
Mr. Martin Felix GAJDUSEK has earned a MSc in 2001 from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. Since 02/2015 he coordinates the Horizon2020 project Black Sea Horizon, a regional coordination and support action. He coordinated 2011-2014 the SEE-Transnational Cooperation Programme co-funded project Fostering Evaluation competencies in Research, Technology and Innovation in the SEE Region (EVAL-INNO). The project addressed in particular the development of evaluation competencies in the RTDI domain.
2010-2013 he was coordinating the FP7 funded SEE-ERA.NET PLUS involving 17 partners from 14 countries, the largest regional joint funding instrument for research cooperation involving all Western Balkan countries and several other EU MS. Also the monitoring of the joint call and several analytical reports were conducted. He is/was as well involved in the FP7 international cooperation projects IncoNet EECA and IncoNet CA/SC performing analysis on EU cooperation instruments, as well contributing to the improvement of policy relevant S&T indicators through training activities. Moreover, in the follow up projects IncoNet EaP and IncoNet CA he develops a roadmap for cooperation in the evaluation domain of key funding agencies in the ENP countries, organises Policy Mix Peer Reviews and contributes to a thematic benchmarking of RTDI organisations. He is also involved in the FP7 projects DANCERS, MIRRIS and supports the financial administration of the Danube-INCO.net. He has been working 2002-2010 in Bulgaria heading the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office in Sofia facilitating bilateral S&T cooperation Austria-Bulgaria and with the Southeast European countries, focusing particularly on the Western Balkan region. He focuses in his work on the SEE, the EaP and the Central Asian region. He has been employed by the Centre for Social Innovation as a researcher and project coordinator since 2004, following previous employments with a similar topical and regional focus.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0356-2151