Thematic Areas

Migration & Integration

Supporting SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities)

Migration is a central feature of the human experience. This is true for migrants themselves as much as for the communities from which they leave, those to which they arrive, and perhaps, eventually, those to which they return. Much of this experience is not related to their mobility as such, but to the changes in treatment people are exposed to, or expose others to, as they move from one society to another.

The focus of work at ZSI has been on enhancing the competence of municipalities and other levels of governance, as well as social partner organisations, educational organisations - especially also in adult education -, and NGO's, in absorbing migration productively and in accordance with human rights. Since 2003, a special focus has been on the skills and qualifications migrants bring to a country that often remain un- or underused with a risk of becoming obsolete. This is a severe loss not only to the migrants themselves, but also to those who supported them in acquiring education, training, and experience, and, of course, to the receiving country. ZSI is also known to be pointing out education, employment, housing, and health outcomes that may be indicative of discriminatory practices.

We have been partners in research projects, in pilot projects pioneering new approaches to service delivery, and in implementing standard procedures at a best practice level. This has been true at international, national, and provincial levels. In a number of instances, we served as ongoing social science advisers, and as evaluators in pilot and implementation projects. Our work has been involving data analysis on large datasets (Labour Force Survey, SILC, PIAAC, municipal registers, among others), surveys large and small, in depth studies on non-random samples, and advice on how to organise and interpret available information - for instance, in discrimination testing -, and has regularly included the collecting and describing of commendable administrative and managerial practice.

Contact person: Mag. August Gächter

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